Living in High Vibration

in #spiritual6 years ago (edited)

I haven't written in a while.. here are my thoughts today. You can find more at

Living in High Vibration

High Vibration is a euphoric state. It is the feeling like you are on top of the world, nothing can go wrong, and everything is always working in your favor. It’s the feeling you get when you meet your true love, you feel invincible, you feel protected. Nothing can knock you off your high flying cloud. It’s is the perfect day at Disney World when you have the perfect flight: no waiting in the TSA line (TSA is happy and cheerful), you board first, free movie, free snacks, checked on luggage, spacious seats, an empty plane, etc for the same price as the flight where you don’t get those things. Then, your hour wait for the taxi soon becomes 5 mins and when you get to the hotel, you find out your room is even more discounted. You think to yourself, can it get any better than this, the answer is yes it can. To top it off some grouchy person you met on the elevator, out of the blue, “anonymously” pays for your $100 dinner.

When in high vibration, it is so easy to smile and you can see the light in every person you meet. This high energy state is surreal and dreamlike, it is easy to see how every person, thing, situation and experience is malleable and moves in a symbiotic relationship to create the perfect experiences where it can get better and better, over and over.

What if I told you that this is our natural state of being? What if I told you that is how God made us? For a person that has struggled with depression throughout life, how can that be true? Why is it that I wake up sad and mad at the world and my day hasn’t even started yet? Why is it that I want sleep my day away? Why is it that I don't want to exercise, eat right and I want to look at social media and TV all day? It’s pretty obvious why people use drugs and alcohol, gamble, and over eat. It seems like the shortest, low vibration way or lazy way to access this high vibration state quickly, only to find that it doesn't last and is it even less sustainable than a runner's’ high.

The answer to these questions lie in what we believe to be true consciously and subconsciously. It’s through our belief systems that create our atmosphere of low vibration, we have been trained throughout life to vibrate low. It’s our comfortable state. We have been taught to eat low vibration foods that are taxing on our body. It takes a lot to process its low density, ladened with heavy stress induced hormones (cortisol) and the malnutrition that does not support the digestion process. These foods create with in us low vibration diseases that make it even easier for us to vibrate low. They make us heavier, fatter and slower. When people switch to a high vibration diet of fruits, vegetable and whole plant-based foods, they can feel difference in their bodies within a day. They feel lighter and have more energy. I never noticed the state of daily sickness I was in until I quit eating the way I was taught. It was comfortable and it was all I knew.

Our beliefs systems are formed by what we watch, read, hear and feel. They are presented to us by low vibration TV programs, movies and social media posts. These elicit fear, hatred, sadness, and other low vibration feelings. It's the news stations and commercials playing on all the TVs we have plastered on the walls in every waiting room and continuously playing as background noise in our houses. Everything we see, hear, and read enters our subconscious mind and it does not know the difference between good, bad, right or wrong. Our subconscious mind is even more impressionable when we were younger (especially before the age of 8, before we started to have access to our logical brains). We were taught that it was ok to vibrate low and that it was the way of the world. After 40 years of vibrating low, it's no wonder that I have become very good at it. As a matter of fact, I get extremely tired after a day of vibrating high. Why? Because I have more practice being low and it is more comfortable. It's what I know.

When I started to learn the difference between low and high states of energy in my body, my first question was, why can’t I stay in a high vibration state? I love being there and yet, I cannot seem to do it everyday or even for a few days in a row. I automatically fall back down. There are multiple reasons for this: 1. My beliefs 2. The beliefs of other influential people around me 3. I like to feel comfortable and complacent 4. Contrasting experiences is a part of knowing what we want to create in our lives

When vibrating high for too long, I start to feel anxious. I feel absent minded and almost irresponsible. My beliefs say that this is wrong, I am not deserving of all of the attention and abundance. I am in danger of spending too much money. It is all going to come crashing down and I will find it was all a big mistake. It is too good to be true. Get off your high horse, you are not special. Be humble, hide and run away. Even when I can deflect these beliefs and continue on in high vibration, then I pick up and attach to someone else's crappy belief systems, especially the ones that are in accordance with my own. I have picked up these beliefs somewhere along my journey. Whether they were passed down from generation to generation, I learned them in school, they were taught to me in my friendships and other relationships, either way, I chose and accepted them to be true. These are thoughts I don't want to think, they are buried deep within, and sneakily sabotage my high vibration state. All in all, it's my “the way we have always done it” program running on autopilot.

Comfortable and complacent is the lazy river way of life. The ease and flow part of it is great. However, without action, there is no growth. To create, is life, nothing stays the same. Either life happens to you or for you. Floating along in your comfortable raft, the river and atmosphere is in constant change and you are laying stagnant in your round tube. In essence, comfortable is fear of change. It may rain on you and then the sun will come out to dry you, people come and go and yet everything is happening to you because you are not taking action. The second component of this is we are confused about what complacent really means. The power of creating the life of your dreams is in appreciation for what you have, excitement for your growth and what you will create in the future. This is not what complacent means, this is what grateful means. Complacent is when you desire no change or future creation of life. Complacent is actually stagnant energy.

In a state of high vibration, things can go “wrong”, like you forget to remove those expensive and favorite items from you bag that are over 2oz or you chose to bring that pocket knife your dad gave you and TSA makes you throw them all away. This is a contrasting experience. Everything is going right and this one things goes wrong. You have a choice at this point. You can recognize it as a contracting experience, let it be just that, and move on. Or, you can let it fester, boiling inside of you and grow into more contrasting experiences robbing you of your high vibration day. When this happened, I wanted to go there in that ugly energy, yet my husband would not let me talk about it and therefore squashed the low energy from entering his space and our vacation. If I would have continued, the events of the day would have turned out much less satisfying and maybe even have ruined the whole vacation.

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Interesting lines and experiences about high vibration. It´s a very important topic. I think it´s our mission to break out of the lower vibration and avoid those things which keep you in state.