Judgement. Why?

in #spiritual8 years ago (edited)

When you make your way into the woods, you'll come to notice a vast variety of trees. Some are large and some are small. Some are withered and broken, while others are straight and strong. Yet, you see this without judgement. You see the trees and accept them as they are. Sometimes, the more you look, the more you start to understand the shape they hold. Maybe this tree didn't get enough sunlight, maybe that tree was struck by lighting. Maybe it's old, maybe it's young, or maybe it's just a different variety from a different seed. The thing is, it doesn't really matter to you. You do not get upset at the tree for it's shape and features. You accept it for what it is. It's a tree. You simply allow it to be, maybe you even come to appreciate it's differences.

Someone explain to me, why is it that when you walk out of those woods, and you start to cross paths with other humans, you say to yourself... "You're too -this-" or "You're too -that" Why do you question, not only others, but yourselves so harshly? Why do you judge others in such a way, but not the trees? Think on this...