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RE: What Drives You To Keep Goin On Steemit?

in #spiderblogger7 years ago

Hell to the freaking yes mate!! I believe in steemit and dtube so much! It's fascinating how this platform is growing every single day and the best part is that it's still at the baby stage! And we are the early adopters!!! So wooohoooo!!!

Winny out...for now ;)

PS: would you like to join our dtubedaily group? The community is growing :) currently we have 23 members in there, helping and supporting each other :)


Yeah I would be down to join! I am trying to get my vlogging back on track, and I sometimes get goose bumps knowing we are super early to the party!

Awesome!!! The bigger the community, the more we can help each other out!!

See you in the inside mate!!

Winny out...for now ;)