"A lot of judgment with that," Mom's words.

in #spanish5 years ago

Greetings, friends.

I enter a few moments to comment on this situation that is presented to us with the so-called Coronavirus.

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We are going through something complex, a matter that many of us were not aware of or perhaps read a little at some time: we speak of humanity today suffering from the same ailment that expands, perhaps affecting every human that it manages to achieve, is the possibility that each person on the planet becomes ill, according to specialists, we speak, friends, that a pandemic has declared, which is not a game, but something quite serious that we must assume responsibly.

Well, as is customary, they have circulated through the networks information from alleged connoisseurs who give recommendations, advice, talk about what we should and should not do, maybe some are feeling truthful and are right, but others are not, how do you know? ?, Why do I say it ?, because it turns out that in all this there is an ingredient that we must treat with caution, good judgment and reasoning ... and it is nothing other than ** the contradictions ** that are in the big block of messages talking about the subject and that we receive through different means, which generates confusion and fear, keeping many people in constant unease. In this sense, what I decided to do is refer myself to those who officially report and / or to people who are considered qualified, that is, if something serious appears to me, a matter that does not appear to be a simple fraud, since I verify who It is the person who says it and I inquire, addressing myself to the ideal entity or, failing that, I ask ** really credible people ** who can give certainty.

Les insto entonces, a todos, a acatar las instrucciones dadas por los organismos oficiales, se los ruego.

On the other hand, I have heard of people who say they do not believe, others who affirm that any similar symptoms they may have is something else, in short, people who are not willing to take measures, well, I tell them, I have no way of showing them That this matter is real, but I do not have to corroborate that it is not, so, in view of the global scope of the alarm, the treatment given to the matter and the consequences seen, I consider that the best I can do, In my ignorance, it is to assume the least risky attitude for all: that of taking the necessary measures to make sure, if true, not to infect or infect anyone, following the instructions of the appropriate entities and people.

Now, although it is true that this pandemic reached Venezuela at a time of a terrible crisis at all levels, so quarantining in this country is not the same as doing it in a place where it is easy to stock up on food and medicine. , etc. and lock yourself in a well-equipped house for many days, where you have to maintain the strictest hygiene, avoiding any risk of contagion, simply because in the Venezuelan country we have to go out and buy food, medicine, etc. more regularly than in other places, that cleaning is sometimes not possible due to the shortage of products and money, that to boil water we must have gas, electricity or firewood, etc., things that sometimes they fail, in short, it is no less true that we have become more ingenious, today we have the tool of having overcome extremely difficult situations, we have an apprenticeship, an experience, friends, due to this country situation we live in ** we have come out ahead by improving ourselves ourselves, ** and with this, I must say that sadly, there are not many countries that face the virus that threatens the world, let's do the same in this, that we have done in the crisis !, ** let's find a way !: ** when we cannot go out to buy food for the days that our income reaches, because we agree with someone healthy of appropriate age of the family group, with a neighbor in the same conditions or with someone we can locate, who has ga, in return maybe we can do something for him, let's think ... let's exchange functions, we have to reach agreements, let's be clear that it is not in our environment that someone gets infected, this means, friends, that helping others we are helping ourselves us, that is, if you are not one of those people who help out of generosity or altruism, then do it because it is in your interest that your environment be healthy.

Another thing, it happens that sometimes we have a possibility of support, close and we do not use it for not knocking on a door or making a call, because it is not our style, for not disturbing, for shame and on the other side maybe they are thinking the same thing So, it is about taking the initiative, changing our attitude and making effective proposals that work for everyone, a "win-win" we must continue to make changes in ourselves, of course, without falling into abusive, unjust and irresponsible acts, because we It tries to overcome a situation with the strength of everyone and based on everyone.

Personally, I have never before seen humanity so physically isolated and so united at the same time in a single purpose, with the same goal; no matter the language, culture, religion, customs, laws, borders and governments, fashion, races, etc. We are seeing or better said, living the test of what it means for each one of us that our neighbor and the one beyond, are well, of what a healthy environment represents for you and for me and how this is achieved, such It seems that if it is not for the good we have the bad to understand that we have to work together if what we want is our well-being.

Until next time, friends, thanks for being there

Bye ...