
in this post i'm going to talk about the goodness, wealth and riches of my country, and again sorry for my english .
Venezuela is a country full of minerals and gold, but the biggest wealth is the petroleum, because Venezuela have the biggest oil reserves of the world, and for that reason Venezuela souldn`t be in the economic situation that the country is going through.
To that we must add it the tourist attractions that we have in Venezuela, like beaches jus like Los Roques, Morrocoy, Choroní, Margarita,and i can name a lot more, and any one of those are so beautiful.

Also we have the tallest waterfall of the world, El Salto Ángel or Angel's fall, El Relámpago del Catatumbo, place with a great electric activities and we want that it seeks to be considered a world heritage site becaso only this place and activity regenerates the 10% of the ozone layer of the planet.

I do not want to stay without saying that it is also the country of the most beautiful women in the world and the 20 crowns added between the world, miss universe and miss international endorse it. But the best of the country is its people, always cheerful, all are "panas", and nothing compares to the sense of humor of the Venezuelan, there is nothing that a Venezuelan can not joke and absolutely all seek to get a smile from the other.
I think I'm very short in terms of the benefits of my beautiful Venezuela, which is good, because it means there are endless wonders in this country, which sadly and illogically goes through a bad time, which I will detail later, this despite of all the good that we have, and that speaks very badly of the government that governs us.
This was my post, I hope you liked it and all Venezuelans inside or outside the country that we will leave this situation and Venezuela will become the country that should have been. See you later, steemians.