Don't we need other languages like Spanish in Steemit?

in #spanish9 years ago

I'm considering writing original articles for Spanish readers. I will like to introduce them to the platform and explain what they can achieve using Steemit. I've seen maybe a couple of articles in other languages and I'm sure there are lots of people here that speak different languages and can help with this initiative.

If you think other languages like Spanish are important to the long term goals of Steemit please leave your opinion down below.

Thanks for stopping by.


I think a viewer on steem would be nice. Keep in mind that can be an add-on for browsers as well. I just hope people don't use a language barrier as an excuse to copy and paste content using google translate.

Yeah I agree with you, I've found that translators do a poor job.
Thanks for the feedback.
BTW I'm fluent in Spanish as well so don't worry about me lol

I figured you knew some english ha.

I'm from Puerto Rico and have been thought English since pre-school. It definitely comes in handy.

I am glad that has worked for you. Good luck with your Spanish articles. Maybe a bigger crowd than one might expect!

A mi me gustaría mucho leerte en español, lastimosamente dudo que obtengas mayor beneficio, el profit en español es muchísimo menor.

si muy bien en español

Los beneficios de los artículos en español son menores solo de momento. Creando contenido se creará audiencia y, en consecuencia, beneficios.
Me ofrezco para colaborar como traductora al español. Soy nativa y puedo hacer traducciones perfectas en cuanto a ortografía y gramática.

That'd be nice

Spanish is de second lenguages in the world, of course will be very usfull to have many Blogs in spanish, I wish it will be a succesfull inititive