Peaky Blinders: Polly Gray
Hi everybody!
El día de hoy me gustaría mostrarles un retrato bastante emotivo que estuve realizando de Helen McCrory (rest in peace) en su personaje de Polly Gray en Peaky Blinders.
Today I would like to show you a very emotional portrait that I was doing of Helen McCrory (rest in peace) in her character of Polly Gray in Peaky Blinders.
Polly Gray
Decidí utilizar un estilo al cual suelo llamar "gótico", con el que siento que puedo desarrollarme con más libertad al momento de crear una obra.
I decided to use a style that I usually call "gothic", with which I feel that I can develop with more freedom when creating a work.

A continuación me gustaria hablar un poco respecto al personaje y su respectiva serie: Elizabeth "Polly" Gray es la matriarca de la familia Shelby , tía de los hermanos Shelby, tesorera de la banda criminal de Birmingham, Peaky Blinders , contadora certificada y tesorera de la compañía Shelby Company Limited .
Ella manejó los Peaky Blinders cuando los muchachos Shelby estuvieron ausentes durante la Gran Guerra. Ella es la cabeza no oficial de la Familia Shelby y a menudo asesora a Thomas Shelby en los negocios de la pandilla.
Next I would like to talk a little about the character and his respective series: Elizabeth "Polly" Gray is the matriarch of the Shelby family, aunt to the Shelby brothers, treasurer of the Birmingham crime ring, Peaky Blinders, certified accountant and treasurer of the Shelby Company Limited.
She ran the Peaky Blinders when the Shelby boys were away during the Great War. She is the unofficial head of the Shelby Family and often advises Thomas Shelby on the gang's business.

Los creadores de la serie se basaron en los Peaky Blinders, una banda criminal que existió en la ciudad de Birmingham a mediados del siglo XX y que se caracterizaba porque cosía hojas de afeitar en sus gorras.
The creators of the series were based on the Peaky Blinders, a criminal gang that existed in the city of Birmingham in the mid-20th century and was characterized by sewing razor blades on their caps.

Thanks for reading my post!