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RE: ¿¿¿QUÉ %$#& ES EL ARTE??? Capítulo 2: El arte no existía

in #spanish7 years ago

I myself, prefer a very broad definition, if one must be applied, but I'm not sure we need it. Why? Other than to classify and compare. If you like it, enjoy it, if you learn from it, learn from it, if it moves, you act on it. IMO, having earned my living in almost every kind of art, art is in the intention of the creator. Some very practical things are done with an artist's mindset, creating beauty in the world. I've seen plumbers who were great artisans,and sculptors who were merely filling orders. Nice post! I've come with news, too! The Discord server for dolphinschool is up and here is your official invite, I would love all of you to come and join as mentors.