"Nacidos para sufrir""Born to suffer"

in #spanish7 years ago (edited)

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Que tal amigos de Steemit!!
se que es un titulo algo extraño, pero es una realidad en algunos puntos, hablo de personas que nacen con algún tipo de discapacidad. tales como ciegos, sordos mudos discapacidad para caminar entre otras. y aveces nos preguntamos y decimos porque Dios permite que nacieren personas así.

ley hace poco un articulo que mencionaba algo así, aveces tus generaciones reciben la peor parte de los actos que tu haces. hacia referencia que las consecuencias de nuestros actos las sufren los familiares que viene adelante.. no es el culpable Dios de lo que pueda pasar sino tu que tomas malas decisiones que traen consigo malas consecuencias..

Pero hay otra realidad en esto y es que aveces estas personas que vemos así son un ejemplo de vida para nosotros.. el porque? simple aveces están mas llenos de vida que nosotros mismos que nos sentimos completos, ponemos peros a todo y ellos solo les basta un motivación para decir si puedo..

uno de mis ejemplo seria Nick Vujicic orador enseña con su vida que no importa la discapacidad que tengas porque eso no es escusa para no alcanzar una meta, si lo crees tu puedes hacerlo!

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What about friends of Steemit!
I know it's a strange title, but it's a reality in some points, I'm talking about people who are born with some type of disability. such as blind, mute deaf disabled to walk among others. and sometimes we ask ourselves and we say because God allows people like this to be born.

law recently an article that mentioned something like this, sometimes your generations receive the worst part of the acts that you do. to reference that the consequences of our actions suffer the relatives who come forward .. is not the guilty God of what may happen but you who make bad decisions that bring bad consequences ..

But there is another reality in this and that is that sometimes these people that we see are an example of life for us .. why? simple sometimes they are more full of life than ourselves that we feel complete, we put a bump on everything and they only need a motivation to say if I can ..

One of my example would be Nick Vujicic speaker teaches with his life that no matter what disability you have because that is not an excuse to not reach a goal, if you believe you can do it!


hey so nice I really like your post! Thanks for it! I actually wrote my 2nd part of my introduceyouself and I write about that I went to jail because of cryptos... lets make steemit together to a better place with our content! I would like to read a bit more about you and maybe do you have some more pictures? Maybe you upvote me and follow me swell as I do? https://steemit.com/counterfeit/@mykarma/2-jail-review-counterfeit-euro-speeeeending-time

How about that friend all right? thank you ... well we will be in touch

Your welcome

In an etample that a person with desabilithas skill achieves

that's right ... we do not have our own excuses for this