Let us honor our parents.

in #spanish13 days ago

When we hear this word it seems like a simple piece of advice from an adult to a child, but if we stop to meditate on the whole advice we can discover the richness it has.

Behind this recommendation, behind this commandment, there is a very powerful principle, this means that when we honor our hearts are transformed, relationships are healed and as a consequence, doors that remained closed for a long time are opened.

When we talk about honoring our father and mother, we are not talking about a simple task. We are human beings, we have imperfections and we cannot forget that our nature is sinful. Generally we carry wounds and a lot of silence that in the long run make us suffer a lot of pain. Even so, God asks us to honor our parents even when they have been imperfect, when we think that they have done wrong towards us, by honoring them despite whatever we reflect the love of God through our actions, and as a consequence we are participants of the richest blessings.

When we honor, we put pride aside and we propose to forgive and thank God for what we have received. In this honor, we not only obey our earthly parents, in this way we are honoring God. Let us remember that we have a direct promise, by honoring we will have a long life on earth, always remember this.

Honor your father and your mother, which is the first commandment with a promise; so that it may go well with you and you may have a long life on earth.

Ephesians 6:2-3

God bless you today and always!