# Mi verdadero primer post en “Steemit”. / My real first post on "Steemit".

in #spanish7 years ago (edited)

Mi verdadero primer post en “Steemit”. / My real first post on "Steemit".

(Please see the English version after of Spanish version)

Es mi primera vez en un sitio web como este, que representa una comunidad digital en pleno auge, desde la aprobación de mi cuenta me he tardado casi dos semanas en publicar mi primer post, ya que quería documentarme sobre lo que en realidad hace “Steemit”, y en mi primer bosquejo escribí un muy extenso relato de mi vida laboral que al final me pareció aburridísimo. Así que solo decidí resumirles que he hecho en pocas palabras, a que me dedico ahora, un poco referente a mis gustos y que quiero desarrollar en “Steemit”.

Comencemos, me formé desde temprana edad en el mundo de las Finanzas, bancos, empresas de publicidad, sistemas, digamos de la vieja escuela, por distintas razones luego de desarrollarme en distintas áreas, pasé por situaciones que me decepcionaron no de mi carrera, sino del comportamiento de ciertas personas (Para quienes estén interesados en conocer esta historia, luego la relataré publicando el post que les comente al inicio), Tomé una decisión muy radical al dejar todo ese mundo y dedicarme a algo que anhelaba desde antes de consagrar mi vida al tema Bancario y me dediqué a cantar, Fueron muchas las consecuencias de esta decisión incluso a la larga me divorcié y mi vida cambió mucho. Siempre conservé mi afición por los sistemas, computadoras y todo lo tecnológico, mi interés desde niño también me ha llevado por el mundo culinario, soy un fanático de las recetas y la buena comida, muchos me han catalogado de Chef sin título.

¿Qué me trajo a “Steemit”?

Para nadie es un secreto que en Venezuela existe una situación económica extrema, con una espiral inflacionaria repentina y atroz, con una problemática de escasez y especulación con los alimentos terrible. En mi actividad actual como cantante, esto ha repercutido de manera significativa, ya que no son frecuentes ni los espectáculos, ni las fiestas privadas, así que tanto mi pareja actual, como yo nos hemos dedicado a dar clases de canto a niños y jóvenes y a buscar alternativas, entre ellas las páginas web que nos pudieran aportar algo de dinero en dólares para poder cubrir nuestros gastos diarios, así retomé algo de mi profesión y he trabajado como freelancer en proyectos y asesorías financieras… me rechazaron en una conocida página de auditoría de llamadas e intentando que me ayudaran, me topé en un chat con Shane Llagan, una chica filipina (@lebron2016), conversamos en inglés, (idioma que estoy aprendiendo recientemente) y me hablo de Steemit, me envió el link y me suscribí, al mismo tiempo comencé a documentarme respecto a las Cryptomonedas y aquí estoy, en esta plataforma que me parece súper interesante, porque me gusta escribir, he notado desde el principio que es una comunidad muy seria, con una normativa que respeta mucho el derecho de autor y eso me fascina, en medio de tantas cosas que vivo a diario es como una ventana de escape al caos, aliado con gente que realiza contenidos productivos y loables, me siento como el vecino recién llegado pero deseoso de aprender, conocerlos y aportar muchas cosas a esta mi nueva familia… Steemit.

English Version

It's my first time on a website like this, which represents a digital community in full swing, since the approval of my account it took me almost two weeks to publish my first post, since I wanted to document me what it really does "Steemit ", And in my first sketch I wrote a very extensive account of my work life that in the end I found boring. So I just decided to summarize what I've done in a few words, what I'm doing now, a little about my tastes and what I want to develop in "Steemit".

Let's start, I was trained from an early age in the world of Finance, banks, advertising companies, systems, say the old school, for different reasons after developing in different areas, I went through situations that disappointed me not of my career, but yes of the behavior of certain people (For those who are interested in knowing this story, then I will relate it publishing the post that I mentioned at the beginning), I made a radical decision to leave all that world and dedicate myself something I longed before consecrating my life Banking and I devoted myself to singing. There were many consequences of this decision, even in the long run I got divorced and my life changed a lot. I always kept my fondness for systems, computers and everything technological, my interest since childhood has also taken me through the culinary world, I am a fan of recipes and good food, many have labeled me Chef without a title.

What brought me to "Steemit"?

For nobody is a secret that in Venezuela there is an extreme economic situation, with a sudden and atrocious inflationary spiral, with a problem of scarcity and speculation with terrible food. In my current activity as a singer, this has had a significant impact, since neither shows nor private parties are frequent, so both my current girlfriend and I have dedicated ourselves to teaching children and young people to sing and we serching already look for alternatives, including web pages that could give us some money in dollars to cover our daily expenses, so I returned to my profession and worked as a freelancer in projects and financial advice ... I was rejected in a wellknown audit calls page and trying to help me, I came across in a chat with Shane Llagan, a Filipino girl (@ lebron2016), we chatted in English, (language that I am learning recently) and she told me about Steemit, she sent me the link and I subscribed me, At the same time I began to document me about the cryptocurrency and here I am, on this platform that I find super interesting, because I like to write, I have noticed from the beginning that It is very serious community, with a regulation that respects copyright and that fascinates me, in the midst of so many things that I live on a daily basis is like a window of escape to chaos, allied with people who produce productive and praiseworthy content, I feel like the newcomer neighbor but eager to learn, know and contribute many things to this my new family ... Steemit.


Bienvenido hermano, espero que te diviertas aquí, eso el lo principal. Si eres cantante hay una parte en la plataforma dedicada a música y streaming se llama d.sound. si prefieres el medio de vídeo existe d.tube haz lo que harías normalmente para ser feliz y todo saldrá bien. Si tiene alguna duda déjeme saber tengo algunos guías en mi blog si quiere aprender un poco sobre steemit (;

Gracias @rickthor, estoy muy interesado en saber mas sobre el manejo de la plataforma, eres una de las primeras personas que sigo

Aquí todos estamos aprendiendo, si gustas contactame por telegram e creado un chat es el mismo usuario.


Selamat bergabung di steemit kawan, semoga di steemit ini kita bisa saling mendukung, salam dari saya @iqbal-pase, berasal dari lhokseumawe, Aceh. Saya juga pemula disini, mohon dukunganya di postingan pertama saya ini


Congratulations to join in steemit friend, hopefully in this steemit we can support each other, greetings from me @iqbal-pase, coming from lhokseumawe, Aceh. I am also a beginner here, please support it in my first post


Bienvenido, ya verás como todo mejora y podrás sacarle provecho.
Cualquier duda estamos por aquí.

Gracias @trixy igual tienes un amigo en mi :-)

It was great to know few things about you. Nicely explained about your. Hey, Dear! You seem very creative! :) Great to have you here. Looking forward to your adventures!welcome to the steem community where people help each other grow and share ideas and information about what they know!!.. Keep steeming!!

Thanks for you comment @sid9999 i am very happy to stay here, i see you in a new post, i need every help can you get me.Thanks again.

@Mountainwashere's Guide for New Users:

Welcome to Steemit! It's got a steep learning curve, but it's worth it in the long run if you keep putting in the time! Just know that it will take quite a while before you start getting attention and followers. The biggest secret to success? Keep posting high quality content regularly, and make sure to search out other people's posts, read them, and give relevant comments.

Tagging is extremely important. Always make sure to use all five possible tags, and to keep them relevant. You can always just tag something "blog" or "photography" or something else really general (so long as it's still relevant) to fill the quota if you need to- most of your tags should be established ones, though one or two less used ones are fine.

Posting more than four times a day can reduce your potential rewards, as well as turning off potential users. (I aim for one post per day most of the time.) Consistency is important, though, so you should try to post often.

Always make sure to attach a photo to your posts! You should also have a finished profile: Write a description, add a profile picture and a banner- neither needs to be a photo of you, necessarily, but you should have something- and set a website.

There are a lot of really good resources out there for plankton and minnows (new users). You should check out the following groups and services, they offer a lot of valuable resources:

@thesteemengine (Check this one out first- they're an extremely supportive group that can help out in a lot of ways.)
@qurator (These guys offer an excellent liftime upvote to accounts that post consistent quality content.)
@steembasicincome (Another lifetime upvote option.)
@steemstem (The biggest and best STEM curation group in the game. If you're interested in writing or reading about science, check these guys out!)
@geopolis (A fairly new science curation group, this one's dedicated to the study of the Earth.)
@ocd (A curation group that seeks out undervalued new writers.)

And, again, the biggest thing is just patience. Breakout successes are incredibly rare on Steemit- you've got to find your way to success through perseverance and hard work. It takes time, but you'll eventually succeed if you put in the work.

Please feel free to repost this guide on the posts of other plankton & minnows you run into- and if it was useful to you, feel free to check out my posts and give me a follow!

Wow @mountainwashere excellent comment, thanks for you recomends, i follow you inmediatly, i like your experience and vocation to help te new users

Bnvenido a steemit!!!

Gracias por tu bienvenida @marcanofernanda, ayer leía tu post del Invisible...interesante...amo la literatura, nos vemos...adelante

Gracias! Me interesa tu trabajo sobre las Criptomonedas, envíame links

Gracias hermano @asdrubal, aun estoy un poco abrumado contanta información los grupos y todo eso, espero hacer las cosas bien, saludos!