Keep your good heart and you will see the solution

in #spanish6 years ago

Instead of waiting for things to get better, make a list of all the things you can do until the situation improves and do them, motivate yourself with an available heart full of love and security. We can not change, for example, that in life there are many events that happen in a totally unexpected and uncontrollable way, that make us lose control, the Settlement in the complaint and offenses will not change what we do not like or do not want and it can keep us in a victimist, passive and negative position, so the good attitude centered on a vision of achieving better things for your life, are much more fertile and productive territories. Live the present at the highest level, because the past can no longer be changed; although you must learn from it to not make the same mistakes, do not waste time worrying about something that is out of reach of your hand that you can not control and so you can not do anything, understand that if you have a problem and you focus on it, you already have two problems. If you focus on the solution trusting God and with a good attitude, be assured that you will only face a single problem that will vanish in the middle of nowhere.


Hola @deliteramente, me hiciste recordar aquel dicho que dice que si no tiene solución para que te preocupas, algo totalmente cierto. Por otra parte, me gustaría hablarte sobre el uso adecuado de las etiquetas, ya que veo que estás utilizando la etiqueta spanish. Esa etiqueta solo debe usarse cuando la publicación esta escrita parcial o totalmente en ese idioma y este no es el caso pues es una publicación enteramente en inglés. Espero te sirva mi consejo, puedes consultar con un comentario cualquier duda que con gusto te responderé, saludos y éxito!!!

Gracias eleyda por tu orientación Dios te Bendiga estamos en contacto