in #spanish5 years ago

Habla Hispano (ESP)

Este un bello y angosto continente que dio luz a los Americanos. Asi como crio sus hijos fuertes, tambien ha sido tierra fertil para lo que es el verbo de Libertad. Cada nacion y cada pueblo de Latino America ha tenido que luchar por permanecer independiente. La naturaleza es un espiritu Libre, mas aun los hombres no siempre han sido libres. Ya sea contra opresores externos, monarquias, o cabales internos, los Americanos historicamente hemos dado sangre por Libertad.

El espiritu de la revolucion Bolivariana, belica como la fuerza de el General Simon Bolivar corre por la sangre de estos pueblos. Somos los hijos de Francisco Morazan y su revolucion en el Centro de America. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, y la revolucion Norte Americana; que pensaron ellos de America ahora? Tenemos una rica herencia y descendencia de Libertadores. A cierto punto nuestros ancestros tuvieron que tomar armas y defender sus derechos individuales.

Nunca me olvidare de lo que fueron supuestos los valores civicos de Honduras: Un Honduras Libre, Soberano e Independiente. Compatriotas, la base de esto es economico ya que la economica es la accion de deciones humanas para mejorar la calidad de vida. Siempre de una forma pacifica y libre de coercion. Para ser un pueblo Libre, debe existir primero Libertad Economica, Soberania Economica, e Independencia Economica.

La razones por las Revoluciones Americanas fueron similares a las de hoy. Altos e irrazonables impuestos. Corrupcion sistemica donde se beneficiaban grupos favorados (la banca internacional). Un gobierno muy grande e irresponsable (que no toma responsabilidad por sus actos). Una economia con tanto potencial pero empobresida por el hurto de los politicios profesionales. Compatriotas Latino Americanos, contras estos males lucharon los Libertadores. Tan incarnado son estos males que solo el fusil, estrategia militar, y una nueva moralidad bastaron para des-raizarlo. No tengan ninguna duda que de nuevo venga a nosotros la necesidad de pelear por nuestra Libetad Americana.

Organizen sus comunidades. Armense. Preparen a sus familias. Abandonen el apoyo sus regimenes politicos. La Revolucion Americana del Siglo 21 ha comenzado.

English (ENG)

This is a beautiful and narrow continent that gave birth to Americans. Just as she raised her strong children, it has also been fertile ground for what is the verb of Freedom. Every nation and every people in Latin America has had to fight to remain independent. Nature is a Free spirit, but men have not always been free. Whether it be against external oppressors, monarchies, or internal wisdom, Americans have historically bled for Liberty.

The spirit of the Bolivarian revolution, warlike as the force of General Simon Bolivar runs through the blood of these peoples. We are the children of Francisco Morazan and his revolution in Central America. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and the North American Revolution; What would they think of America now? We have a rich heritage and are offspring of The Libertadores. At some point our ancestors had to take up arms and defend individual rights.

I will never forget what the civic values of Honduras were supposed to be: A Free, Sovereign and Independent Honduras. Compatriots, the basis for this is economic freedom since economics is the action of human decisions to improve the quality of life. Always in a peaceful manner and free of coercion. To be a Free people, there must first be Economic Freedom, Economic Sovereignty, and Economic Independence.

The reasons for the American Revolutions were similar to those live today. High and unreasonable taxes. Systemic corruption where favored groups benefited (international banking). A very large and irresponsible government (which does not take responsibility for its actions). An economy with so much potential but impoverished by the theft of professional politicians. Latin American compatriots, the Liberators fought against these very same evils. So incarnate are these evils that only the rifle, military strategy, and a new morality were enough to alter it. Have no doubt that the need to fight for our American Freedom will come to us again.

Organize your communities. Arm yourself. Prepare your families. Give up support for your political regimes. The American Revolution of the 21st Century has begun.



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