Mi presentación - Introduceyourself

in #spanish6 years ago

He escrito miles de versos e historias. He hecho música, poesía, relatos e incluso, escribí un libro y puedo asegurar que presentarme sera lo mas difícil para mi. Su nivel de dificultad se debe, a que somos propensos a mostrar las costuras de nuestro ego o en su defecto, ser objetos de una dudosa modestia muy fácil de detectar. Siempre se nos hará mucho mas sencillo hacer la presentación de un tercero, partiendo de sus actitudes, aptitudes y perfiles personales. Aunque se niegue, siempre seremos acreedores de la razón, cuando hablamos de alguien mas y no de nosotros mismos. Sin embargo intentare ser muy concreto y dejarles lo mejor de mi.

En primera instancia mis propósitos siempre fueron mas cercanos a un mundo, donde el único seguidor, seria yo mismo. Nunca intente dirigir mis escritos a ningún publico en especial, porque mi intención siempre estuvo derivado en conquistar las barreras de mi aprendizaje constante y mantenerme efectivamente, creciendo y evolucionando a mi manera. Por razones aun desconocidas para mi, pude llegar a un conglomerado de lectores fascinados por lo que aporto sin pedir nada a cambio.

De esa forma empece a incursionar en terrenos en los cuales siempre me he sentido a gusto. De hecho siempre estoy a gusto con lo que escribo, porque he escrito lo que me gusta y lo que deambula por mi mente en esos momentos, donde me involucro con las letras. Ya la gran bendición que tengo es contar con personas que apoyan mis pensamientos, los siguen de cerca, se interesan en mis temas y me piden que continué haciéndolo, porque sirvo de inspiración para muchos.

Mi escritura es totalmente versátil y se aleja de cualquier estructura gramática y ortográfica. Por esa razón no sigo patrones de escritura, no sigo lineas de escrituras ni modifico textos al concebirlos. Mi dirección es totalmente dirigida desde mis pensamientos sin rumbo aparente. Simplemente nace para recordarme, que puedo ser el mejor y aun así, seguir mejorando.

En un pensamiento muy personal se que mucho de lo que escribiré sera del agrado de la comunidad de steemit, espero ser muy variado y considerado por cada uno de ustedes y de antemano muchas gracias.

El caminar por aceras tan sombrías y crecer en tierras donde todos se convierten en leones, para así ver al mas débil como presa, te hace identificar al fuerte y al débil, el bien y el mal. Y la vida te da exactamente el poder de que elijas en que lugar estar. Yo decidí estar en un punto medio, donde puedo ser capaz de ser frágil y mostrar mi fortaleza a su vez. De tal forma que las debilidades de los que me rodean, puede salir a relucir y demostrarme, que no se trata de que trabajes en tu fachada, sino la solidez de tu ser interior.

Estoy en ese punto medio donde se que el mal no predomina sobre el bien y el bien no predomina sobre el mal, simplemente decidimos que camino transitar y lo que queremos atraer a nuestra vida.

Y es allí donde supe que mi mayor virtud es creer en mi, estar seguro de mi, amarme y creer que todo lo puedo.


I have written thousands of verses and stories. I have made music, poetry, stories and even, I wrote a book and I can assure that presenting myself will be the most difficult for me. Its level of difficulty is due to the fact that we are prone to show the seams of our ego or, failing that, to be objects of dubious modesty very easy to detect. It will always be much easier for us to present a third party, based on their attitudes, aptitudes and personal profiles. Although it is denied, we will always be creditors of reason, when we speak of someone else and not of ourselves. However I will try to be very specific and leave them the best of me.

In the first instance, my purposes were always closer to a world, where the only follower would be myself. I never tried to direct my writings to any public especially, because my intention was always derived in conquering the barriers of my constant learning and to maintain myself effectively, growing and evolving in my own way. For reasons still unknown to me, I was able to reach a conglomerate of readers fascinated by what I bring without asking for anything in return.

In that way I started to venture into lands in which I have always felt at ease. In fact I am always comfortable with what I write, because I have written what I like and what wanders through my mind at those moments, where I get involved with the lyrics. And the great blessing I have is to have people who support my thoughts, follow them closely, are interested in my subjects and ask me to continue doing it, because I serve as an inspiration for many.

My writing is completely versatile and moves away from any grammar and orthographic structure. For that reason I do not follow writing patterns, I do not follow scripture lines or modify texts when conceiving them. My direction is totally directed from my thoughts without apparent direction. It is just born to remind me, that I can be the best and still, keep improving.

In a very personal thought I know that much of what I will write will be liked by the steemit community, I hope to be very varied and considered by each one of you and thank you in advance.

Walking on such dark sidewalks and grow in lands where all become lions, to see the weaker as prey, makes you identify the strong and weak, good and evil. And life gives you exactly the power to choose where to be. I decided to be at a midpoint, where I can be able to be fragile and show my strength in turn. So that the weaknesses of those around me, can come to light and prove to me, that it is not about working on your facade, but the strength of your inner being.

I am in that middle point where I know that evil does not predominate over good and good does not predominate over evil, we simply decide which way to travel and what we want to attract to our life.

And that's where I knew that my greatest virtue is to believe in me, be sure of me, love me and believe that I can do everything.




Hello and welcome to steemit.

Thank you very much.
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Hola, bienvenido a este portal, espero leer algún escrito tuyo por aquí, un saludo y nunca detengas tus sueños. María Almeida

Muchisimas gracias por tu bienvenida. Si pudieras asesorarme estaria agradecido siempre.

Hola, claro que sí seria un gusto saludos. María Almeida

Por donde podemos conversar¡?

Buena pregunta.

Muchas gracias :)

Good to be versatile, totally agree.

Thanks. Saludos

Constant learning is critical to success!

Thank you for pointing that out, and thanks for the excellent introduction. You will be in good company here on Steemit, and if you continue posting quality original content such as this #introduceyourself post, you'll be making money in no time! Welcome aboard, looking forward to your posts!

Thank you very much.
I would like you to advise me regarding steemit.

Hello @bramy6, thank you for beautiful intro, in order to support you i showed your picture in my blog. Please feel free to check the link below and if you like my effort then kindly donot forgot to upvote and follow me too. ;). If you donot like your reference in my post then just comment under that post, i will remove it.

Hola. My name is @shauntaemonte or Aaron in real life and I'm still pretty new too and finding my way. But I wanted to give you an up-vote and say hi. One thing to know if you're serious about this is being active with posts and comments and building your own little community of followers and people of similar interests. I invite you to follow me and visit my blog page. Up-vote if you like and I'll keep an eye out for you.





Kindly, if you follow, up-vote, or resteem me, please make a comment so I know. And why. That way I know if I'm sharing things of interest to the community and also I can repay you in-kind for doing so.

Thank you,

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No había visto una presentación tan única, si no la típica que usamos todos. por eso te hace ser tan único en esta plataforma. bienvenido amigo.

Hola ¿que tal? muchas gracias por tu bienvenida. Espero ser consecuente y entender esta red :)