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RE: Hacia donde estámos yendo como sociedad?

in #spanish8 years ago (edited)

Fo those who can't ready the Spanish like pros...... myself included.

If, for a jacket, a simple jacket was worth more than the life of a person, at least in this case.

And sad to read news like these every day, it's sad where we go as a society, where we stop valuing life, where we become more and more selfish, without worrying about the most valuable thing we have, life.

But most important, we must think how we deteriorate and we get to this point. And for me is something multifactorial, depending on the point of view of each can have many causes, lack of education? Bad economy that takes us to extreme measures? We lost respect for life? Or is that so much technology, so many video games have made us think that it starts again as if nothing had happened?

Thinking about this is for everyone, and in addition to thinking how we come to this, think how to reverse it. I personally hope that we change as a society, and we can improve and value life, which is the only thing we really have.

I hope you appreciate this little reflection that is closer to a release than something else.