Spammer going to spam all @buildawhale users in retaliation for blacklist
View this post on Hive: Spammer going to spam all @buildawhale users in retaliation for blacklist
View this post on Hive: Spammer going to spam all @buildawhale users in retaliation for blacklist
A vote bot owner with a spine, how refreshing.

These bitbots owner are no better than the for-profit spammers they enable and profit from.
Irresponsible bots: @sneaky-ninja by @michaeldavid, @allaz, @aksdwi, @levitation @pushup @msp-bidbot @upmewhale @adriatik and a few smallers ones.
PSA, Sending money to these bots will put all of your post at risk of being GrumpyFlagged!
To know what voting bot to use to promote your posts, refer to and use those that have 3.5 day or less in the "Max Age" column.
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Why isn't @buildawhale on this list?
A Careless Person
Oh hey @money-dreamer. How much longer until you start spamming?
Asking for Trouble
I never have spammed actually.
I really didn't have to read up on it, but I will help you read up on it:
we must be successful together in steemit, I must be sure that, all steemit friends will definitely help each other to succeed together in 2018 that will come remain semagat and continue to prosper
You are absolutely correct!
But why do you flag more than 3.5 days older posts?
Posted using Partiko Android
The philosophical cat.
My Second-grade Teacher
how to use it? i never seen it before
@grumpycat can you do something about @themarkymark putting all the stolen graphics from Fox Television series "Firefly" on here? He is going to get blocked from the search engines or sued by the entertainment industry.
Trying anything you can think of?
I cite all images that are not CC0, gifs are considered fair use in almost all cases.
Are you citing one author's opinion from Fortune Magazine? Further, that article does not even defend what you are doing with the copyright material.
I would read this to get a little more information on the issue:
I'm citing the first fair use post I could find, I am very familiar with fair use.
Going around saying I'm a plagiarist (when I cite all my images except CC0 which specifically states they don't need citing, even under business use) is a laughable attempt distraction.
If you decide to go the route of false accusations, slander, and/or spamming I will be forced to respond in force. I am done with this derailment, and leave the next step up to you.
You are blacklisted, you are not free to use @buildawhale. That is my choice, and it is a result of your actions on the platform.
Will you stop being grumpy if I pet you?
Vote back
Excellent Post. I invite you to see my postcards. Here I leave the link
Spam.... lol
I know! Crazy, huh? I can't believe he would even make such a claim.
What about all the stolen images from "Firefly" that you post on the blockchain? I just reported that. You are going to get the website blocked on Google by committing this plagiarism. This will hurt all Steem users. This is far worst than anything I have done.
You should really live up to these standards you try to set for everyone else!
I love how you try to make it look like your for profit campaigns are good for Steem, but that is complete hogwash.
You are one of the biggest Spammers, Scammers and Plagiarists on this platform.
Hopefully, people will start standing up to you.
Ohh shit,, twitter, AND facebook they are all going to get sued too then. Fuck No More Social Media!!!
They don't get sued because they take actions against users that commit plagiarism. They especially take action against users who are scamming people and committing plagiarism.
Why dont you do something about the trending and the hot pages where stupid or similar content or the same member keeps getting the 100-1000z of $$ and really good content gets next to nothing.. i think the spammers are doing this for a reason, and thats the reason... Just a photo of lunch/dinner and a few lines gets 100z of $$.. @themarkymark
source google images
Hahaha I perfectly agree with this! And sometimes seeing a comment of upvote4upvote is already considered a spam. And post that have banners thanking people in advance for an upvote is already considered a mark-down for me if in each and every blogs you submit contains all those sh*t that consumes the whole space already and you have just only posted a photo with a few captions and barely even explained why and how you have taken a photo of it.
They blame others fro reward pool rape, when they themselves are doing it..
All too true.
There are some exceptional photos where this could be justified, but in most cases, these photos should be combined into an album type post.
I can only control what I have access to, and that's @buildawhale.
i mean since many of you have a good hold over steemit itself, and some might listen to you. Iv posted this 100z of times, this is the first reply i got, i had also made a post regarding this matter. There are a lot of good posts out there, and they get nex to nothing coz some youtuber is eating some 5$ shit and posts it, and gets 100z, or some hot chick just posing and bragging, gets 1000z. we need to make this a fair community, thats what steemit was all about. its been months, and we see similar posts or similar members on the trending or hot page. Alot of content is getting wasted due to ignorance, unless your a friend or relative or GF/BF or a whale or some programmer. Not everyone is a programmer here, nor friends with whale or their ass licker, nor famous youtuber. But i have seen really good posts, with a lot of research and effort being put in, and hardly gets a few cents. I see many whales go behind these famous spammers or reward pool rapers, but indirectly supporting stupid posts is no different.
if u think this is a fact, plz put this issue on the table, since you are a whale. PEACE..

I agree completely. BUT it isnt an easy fix. It is something that many whales wish to change but the even they cannot do much. Its up to the people who vote on these posts to stop it. A lot of these larger whales (and communities) who are posting trash and are on the trending page are also self voting while people who like me do not have much of an upvote do not even upvote our selves. Hopefully some of the changes in the next HF (or undoing some of HF19) will help. Need to change votes back to 1/4 strength IMO. <--- THIS IS NEEDED BAD!!!
There is alot of ass licking going on in chats, to get upvotes from whales, and and hot girls make easy money there, guys take a while and very few, who are good at ass licking.. im sure will get a few hates for this.. however PEACE..
Very true. If you are a whale or know people that work on the "anti-spam" campaigns, you can get away with spamming. It is politics as usual just like in the real world.
You make a lot of good points.
This needed to be said. I think it is the responsibility of all users to use their vote responsibly but unfortunately now that many are resorting to autovotes and bidbots the quality of rewarded content gets less and less. Remove the Trending page, It gives the wrong idea of how steemit operates for new users leaving them disappointed when their post gets 0. Maybe we could have a day without bots and see if anymore good content creators make a breakthrough.
Removing trending page means you only search for content you want to see and upvote if u like.. here on trending page they upvote for rewards.. we keep seeing posts of similar people and similar types.. steemit will operate more fairly if the trending and hot and promoted pages are removed.. one would only look for what they want.
If you have different trend, just don't use Trend Page!))
Go search for what you like! Or
You can use your feed page.
BTW with that excellent steem-plus chrome extension, you will be able to filter the tags of followed persons' posts, very convenient way to find something new among those people you are interested in.
My idea is - Why we should always cut something, instead of trying making it better, extending the possibilities of same thing?
I just upvoted your comment, please tell me if my vote was responsible?
That is for you to decide. We are all entitled to our opinion. Did you think it brought value to this post?
I know I did, and I must say.. well, yes indeed, I just upvoted your previous one again.
Don't be that responsible all the time, have some time just for fun! Remember, this is just the way we interact to each other here by means of text which can be emphasized to the others by the power of upvotes, and discussion line length. Anyway, I am glad to meet you @ammonite.
This guy here should bring some weight to my words.
Just as recently I have seen a pair of great legs with a steemit banner promoting to vote a community holder along with another #witness. And d*mn it has gotten itself almost 500 bucks and still counting. I am not backbiting the team though it concerns me a lot that if somebody would just be as daring as what the challenge is just to grab attention of most steemians, then this is not a fair ground. I am still testing the waters if I could still use steemit for my upcoming really controversial posts later on to at least have an audience who are at least one step above the mediocrity level. Seeing a trending post because of some exposed skin over a real mind-twitch-piece is a bit of dilemma to pursue steemit. You may check out my activities with utmost transparency that I do my fair share to acknowledge at least 60 percent of all the posts that come across my sight. Whether it is interesting or not (it is not us to judge what interesting is since it is the author's choice to post it - therefore it is interesting for them) Most of the chat groups as you say is just a pool of really huge number of users in which they just throw their links there not even thinking to support other people's efforts before they drop theirs. I make it to a point that I would be able to reply back to all comments posted to my blog and at least engage with my audience who were able to show some acknowledgement to your efforts.
There are chances where someone pays a girl to make posts with sexy shots and going to different places, and making 1000z daily..
He is talking about @purepinay and your talking about @sweetsssj Only @purepinay supports @surpassinggoogle.
If you check him out he is the most solid person on steemit. His witness (@steemgigs) supporters are not funded by him. They are creating post to show their support for him. He is a very humble guy and doesn't flaunt his witness all over the place. They like him because he is an awesome human being. As do I, he has had an impact on myself and my family from what he does. I would bet that everyone that knows him loves him.
please voteback..
Hey bro! I voted for you! Steem on man!
Cant we all just get along? What about love? Is this love that makes all this happen?
It's your wrong idea.
His idea is very wrong! Thanks for not falling victim to @themarkymarks' propaganda campaign.
Stay Strong Bro!
The proof is all on the blockchain.
Thanks for keeping us informed. Great power is tempting... seems like you're trying to stay within the lines.
He is robbing people. That is far from staying within the lines.
I meant you are staying within the lines,,, as in justified in your actions. No room for people trying to take advantage on any platform. I believe in balance which is difficult but necessary. no rules is anarchy and too many is repression,,, we need to get the platform in the middle. ppl should be able to profit from posting anything, but shouldn't be permitted to do whatever they please.
HI, as you can see you got a comment from the person I am about to ask you for help with. Here is the deal. @grumpycat 's crusade has hit another victim who is a new user with talent and not spamming. She used a bot because she was told it was a way to help and is encouraged by many minnow groups. The concept of the 3.5 day rule does NOT stop people from spamming.
Furthermore, there are many spam posts (aka short posts with little, often repetative content) by whales in the trending page. Someone was recently made about @purepinay and @surpassinggoogle but at least they write looong well thought out posts and give back as much as they can.
I beg you. Please consider to get the bot-owners together and stop @grumpycat there are some who simply raise up there hands and say "well thats steemit" and there is freedom in steemit-- but that freedom is being usurped by whales who abuse their power in an attempt to solve problems when they are actually the ones who are the greatest abusers of said problems. @grumpycat is making a profit of of downvoting new users and making them scared of steemit and whales. He will neg them (whether a little or a lot makes no matter) and then he will upvote his spam comment that we have seen hundreds of times to 100-200 dollars. THIS IS LITERALLY SPAM ABUSE. Please consider to use your connections and stature to improve this situation. Thank you.
btw this is a post that he just hit today.
it is a beautiful post about fighting depression and suicidal tendancies.
We need Hard Fork 🍴 20 fast. That will get rid of the self vote. Although, indirectly it will make new ground for more business to Bots as people will not be able to self vote to rise in the sea 🌊 of posts being generated by 1 million users in middle of 2018
좋은 일 하고 계시네요.
적극 지지 합니다.
You've been in the thick of it trying to solve various controversies lately, haven't you?