A message to spam bot @jillstein2016

in #spam9 years ago (edited)

I have enough accounts and Steem Power to downvote every single one of your posts many times over so they are never seen, and I plan to do so.

This applies to the rest of you spamming comments as well. If anyone notices any other bots, please post a comment in this thread, I will investigate and handle as needed.

Give up now, you will not win this battle. I promise.


@nextgencrypto - thank you so much. And for the love of all that is potentially holy, please also help nix @bison015 .

This is why we need 'weighted voting' on steemit. Then everyone can work together to combat the bots! Humans unite!

They are afraid of you now @nextgencrypto :)

She's still hard at work, spamming left and right.

Thank you @nextgencrypto! @jillstein2016 is a cancer.


@nextgencrypto! Stepping in where most cannot - thank you very much for the diligence and dedication...and, you know, what I'm assuming is simple, all-around badassery!

As of today, the account mentioned in the title of this post has a rep of -8, lol.

Thaaannnkk youuuu!!! this has been frustrating me so much

You don't know the power of the Dark Side! Wait. Perhaps you do.