Hey Noobs! Don't be SPAM. VIDEO Lesson on how to earn good reputation points.

in #spam7 years ago (edited)

How to avoid looking like spam

1. Do NOT use short phrases like "nice post" or "good job".

Make an effort to say something specific about the post that you personally thought was interesting.

2. Do NOT ask for votes or follows or help.

People will vote and follow you if you contribute. Period. So contribute. Period.

3. Do NOT post links to your own material.

The exception would be if it is uniquely related to the actual post, or to a comment left by another user. And even then, link sparingly. When in doubt, just don't do it. It's tacky.

4. Do NOT start talking about subjects that have nothing to do with the post.

This is dumb. And rude. Don't do it.

5. Do NOT use random, irrelevant pictures as your avatar.

Use an avatar or picture that represents you. If you have a silhouette still, or you have chosen a picture of some random item, it will show. Look at users who seem like they have been on here awhile and are doing things for an idea of what's normal and authentic.

6. Have actual posts on your blog. That are not written by bots. :)

If I go to your blog and find nothing, or a lot of the same thing, or bot-written posts, I'll flag you.

7. Do NOT talk about steem or cryptocurrency

...unless you plan to have a lengthy conversation with someone about something specific you want to talk about. Comments like "I hope steem goes to $20" or "steem and bitcoin are on the rise" could get flagged.

8. Do NOT copy and paste or repeat short phrases on the same post

...or on any posts, for that matter. You'll get flagged.

Be sure to read my favoritestupidcomments posts. These are full of great examples of what NOT to do!

favoritestupidcomments #1
favoritestupidcomments #2
favoritestupidcomments #3
favoritestupidcomments #4
favoritestupidcomments #5
favoritestupidcomments $6

I hope this was helpful! Good luck in leaving thoughtful and purposeful comments.


I am genuinely glad i read this post i have been trying to search on google how to improve reputation on steemit and this post is great help and i Will resteem it for people who follow me specially the ones who always ask for upvote including myself thanks for this information.
I have still sp much to learn from steemit and i guess i can learn alot by following ypu for sure .

Glad to hear you gained something from the video! Yes, please do share. It can only benefit other noobs.

Oh god, 6 links of things for me to read and be entertained with. Hold on, gotta grab a snack, already got my tea. This is gonna be goooooooood. I'm tired of the bad comments enough that even I wrote a bit about it earlier. I went into this experiment I did on YT.

What I did in the experiment, was upload a video titled "Why I hate furries" and it's worth noting that I'm also a furry and went into details in the video about admitting that I'm a furry, been to several conventions like anthrocon, MWFF, RCFM and several meetups and all the comments I got were mostly telling me how I just need to meet furries and I'd learn more about them and see blah blah. Obviously saw the title and went into butthurt commenting mode and left. xD

Watch me make a friend.

Oh God that's rich. xD Build a Bear Workshop, build a friend. Get a fleshlight, and build a lover b.... Ok, I'll stop.

I know, wasn't that THE. BEST? Glad you enjoyed the show. Sounds like you've got some amusing things going as well I'll have to check out....wait, lemme get some snacks...

Hopefully you end up enjoying the content you do pick through. I do write and post semi-regularly, probably more often than the average joe blow. I needed that bit of entertainment from your blog, have a "Dear CryptoDeaf" to answer that made me want to punch this dude so bad that my fists even got boners.

The first time I read the title you made, I asked myself "if I am a noob? I should read this content," then I immediately click on the title and WOW ... All the things I should have avoided were almost done. This content immediately made me realize that steemit is not just an ordinary social media. Steemit has rules and demands its users to provide something of quality even if it is just a comment. Allow me to share this content.

Consider yourself allowed! And thanks for the compliment.

You cover a big area of the spam problem on Steemit and I really loved watching the video you made. Also, you don't seem a big fan of the real Spam food at the end of the video ;)

Hmmmmm. Well, I guess if I were on a deserted island, and there was nothing but spam, I would find a way.

" if there was nothing but spam... Well. Nice knowing you all!" 😂😂😂😂

Hmnnn... was your daughter holding the recorder or something? Was a little shaky.

Yes, she was. How did you guess! I'll tell her you said hi.

p.s. I need a picture of the car! I'm going to do a post...stay tuned.

I liked your video very much. I read/saw it because @countrygirl resteemed it. I think you covered everything. There is one point I pointed out in a post I made about this subject that you didn't mention, and that is the bad English many people use in their comments. I am Dutch, so my English is not perfect, far from it, but I try and use help when I am confused about a word or a sentence. But a lot of people who write a comment use English that is sometimes so bad, you can hardly understand what they are saying. So I gave the tip to try and learn better English or write posts in their own language and build a community of native speakers. But I thank you very much for your post. Because of the humor you use, you were a great help to many and did not condemn in any way.

The fact is, I think there are a handful of non-native English speakers who have commented that I have marked as spam, when they were just trying their best.

Still, I think this video is beneficial for them as well. When I comment in Spanish, my Spanish is not that great, yet I still try to leave a decent comment, even if the grammar sucks. I know a lot of users are using the "google translator" app, and that's a decent go, but it's causing some problems. It often looks like spam. So I generally try to look for more than one indicator before I flag people, for that reason alone. I don't want to discourage a non-native English speaking noob before they get off the ground.

Very nice post dear little scribe

You re very right, when it comes to commenting , the order of short comment is so common though, this re mostly done by newbies in the platform, i used to do same too before if not when i read through most expert blog like you that i got enlightened, so most have not got the right information that could be why?

Yes, some of it is from users being new. But really, these are classic signs of spam. It's pretty easy to spot once you get looking for it. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, though. They have to have more than one of the above indicators for me to tag them. And honestly, if I tag a spammer, it may not do anything to change their behavior, but what it does do is alert others so they do not get rewarded for their behavior. Still, spam bots are commenting and curating and pulling from the reward pool just the same by sheer volume and timing. I guess it's an undertaking I feel is worthwhile. There are enough of us tackling it, hopefully a counterbalance on the ecosystem here will come in play.

Thank you! I definitely don't want to smell like spam and now I'm armed with the knowledge to prevent such an unwanted incident :)

No. Do NOT want to smell like it. It smells like cat food, to be frank. Don't want to smell like cat food.

Hi, @littlescribe, I myself will not say you nice post, but written well, though cover photo is avatar, but in introduction is myself own picture, though I also think that my post is not as good that as it should be in more in upvoting much, it should be in brief, I was looking for like this post where, i upvote I never say that I upvote,but I would say that I have not upvote, because for some other post needs upvotes not for those getting good upvoting,, Imyself want to know that if you upvote the blogger post will notice it in itself voting list, if you say follow and follow back do you think that really work upvotes you, there is like to those they upvotes, I myself don't want to hurt any ones feeling, if someone really think to upvote in myself view let it upvote and if like the post it will be resteem, I also seen many steemtians blog where I found is not itself truth, it means I should blame to itself, you know maybe better can you please explain in more details. Thanks@indian-mom

I LOVE your avatar! Don't change it. Beautiful. Goes with your username. Now, to answer your questions:

  1. If you upvote someone, you are right. Sometimes your name will NOT show up. However, it is a good habit to get into, it brings good karma, and on top of that, if you happen to upvote someone early enough whose post does really well, it will bring you rewards.

  2. For noobs, it's pretty normal to say "follow me" and "upvote me" to one another. I think that's OK when you're starting out. You need to help each other out. I should have added that caveat. It's not BAD to do. Just don't do it to people who have higher reputation, or who have been here awhile. It will hurt your credit. After awhile, you will get to the point where you don't need to do that anymore. You have a reputation of 61. You should be fine not doing that at this point.

  3. Don't feel bad if you ignore others when they ask it. If they're asking you, they're asking everyone else. They are not going to remember YOU. You will not hurt their feelings. There are so many fish in the sea. You're just another one swimming by.

I'm not sure what you were asking at the end, where "steemians blog where I found is not itself truth, it means I should blame to itself...."

Maybe ask that one a little differently...

The vote won't show up on the post because I think it only shows the top 20 votes (meaning the.highesr paying votes)
But a lot of people just flat out lie.
And you can check to see if they did vote by looking at steemworld.org (among other sites)

I never mind if people don't upvote me! But I don't appreciate the lie! Lol

Thanks,@liitlescribe, but when I like such good content myself never look itself reputation only the post and upvote, it doesn't matter me, those have been also upvote in past on my post I really give thanks by heart, though I could not be in reputation 61, I have never been talk before and also after to those, myself was just doing my work in silence, but somehow, surrounding negativity effect to itself, I m ok with what in it, my karma says to me do your work, don't keep more acceptance, karma results will come to yourself in this life only. Lots of love@indian-mom, Love A J

Thanks @indian-mom! Keep up the great work! I will have to try your puffed rice recipe. I LOVE indian food.

@littlescribe,Thanks for reading the recipe@indian-mom