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RE: Voyager 1 : An Interstellar Message in a Bottle

in #space7 years ago

I love staring at that image Cg... it's humbling to have that kind of perspective and for Sagan to have articulated its importance so eloquently.

To your point, i believe the Oort Cloud actually encompasses the Kuiper belt (which is also huge but actually overlaps with our solar system, I believe it is something equivalent to the width of our solar system).. the Oort Cloud is really super massive!


So eloquently!

I wonder then, if we can truly say Voyager has left the solar system; surely the Kuiper and the Oort, are being held in place because of the gravity of our sun, no?

I kind of like to think of Voyager still within the confines of our system, even though it has been travelling all these years. Are you a Star Trek fan by the way? Do you remember V-ger? :-)
