NEW WORLD REVEALED ‘Secret second Earth’ that could be home to ALIENS will be exposed tomorrow

in #space8 years ago

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ASTRONOMERS are preparing to announce the discovery of a potentially habitable second Earth orbiting a nearby star, it has been claimed.

Last month, sources leaked news that the European Southern Observatory (ESO) had spotted an alien world orbiting Proxima Centauri, our closest stellar neighbour.

An anonymous source from the ESO told German publication Der Spiegel the discovery is the closest habitable planet to Earth, which means we could reach it within our lifetime.

But the astonishing finding was not officially announced, sparking furious speculation that the second Earth has deliberately been kept a secret.

Now the ESO is set to finally reveal details of the planet at a press conference tomorrow and astronomers are also likely to discuss whether it has the potential to support life.

“The still nameless planet is believed to be Earth-like and orbits at a distance to Proxima Centauri that could allow it to have liquid water on its surface — an important requirement for the emergence of life,” the source said.

“Never before have scientists discovered a second Earth that is so close by.”

Since its launch in 2009, NASA’s planet finding Kepler Spacecraft has discovered more than 4000 exoplanet candidates.

Read rest of the article here


Governments and science have joined together to conceal plain and simple truths from the masses.

It may support life but will it support Human Life is another question, we often forget the Planet earth sets limitations on Homo-sapien, like gravity, if the the planet has a much stronger gravity it could crush a human a bit like going down in the sea to depth of about a mile where no matter what we would have to be in a contained unit. there are many other hurdles like this which would suit another form but would not suit Homo-sapien. still it sounds like positive news all we need now do is take 80 years to travel there.

Wormwood maybe??

I wouldn't get too excited. It may be the closest exoplanet to Earth, but at 4.23 light years it's still a LONG WAY away. To put in perspective, the current fastest man made object is the Juno Jupiter space probe, that has reached the astonishing speed of 165,000 mph (or 73.7 km per SECOND). Seems pretty fast, yeah? Unfortunately that's still only 0.00023 of the speed of light, so at that rate it would take 18,391 years to get there!

yup after reading more into it my excitement dwindled

Yeah. Don't worry though, I've a hunch we'll discover life elsewhere in the solar system in the next decade or so.

reachable in our lifetime at what speed dude,
get fucking real

I believe that statistically, there has to be some other form of life in the universe. I do not believe in all these fantastical conspiracies though. Are there secrets being kept from us .. hell yes. However, seriously, do you think these self serving egotistical egomaniacs that runs planet earth will all play nicely together and conceal this as a team .. not a chance.

PS .... thesun .. not the best source LOL

I think, it is a good. But humanity even to the nearest planet will fly very long.