Days 33 And 34

in #south8 years ago

Today began realising that there was no power and that the fans had gone off during the night. I had breakfast and then we headed into town to pick up our hire car for our week off next week. Then we drove and did a bit of shopping, I bought some snacks and some fruit juice and also a bird colouring book and some colouring pencils! I also tried some traditional South African food called a Koeksister, sort of like a hard doughnut in a plait shape – so so good, but so ridiculously sweet! We collected a parcel for Bushwise from Khaki Fever and then drove back to camp. We had brunch, eggy bread and bacon and then received our Botany tests back. I got 81%, which isn’t amazing but definitely wasn’t the worst, so I can live with that! A pass is a pass!

As there was power I decided to have a shower and do some laundry. That was eventful. There is another burst in the pipe so Jess and I had to fill the machines by hand, filling buckets from the one tap that does work! It was an interesting experience!

We spent most of the afternoon revising and then it was time for dinner – spaghetti bolognese and salad. We did a bit more last minute revision and then went to bed.

Today began with breakfast and then at 0700 it was time for tests. We got our bird tests back from last week – 89%! Then we had three tests, survival and navigation, mammals and ethology. I think they all went ok!

At about 1000 I went to town with Jess, Rachel, Katie, Tanza and Annabelle, (seeing buffalo (and a baby), kudu, zebra, giraffe, impala and baboon on the way) we went to the doctors, a few shops and then a restaurant called ‘Three Bridges’ for lunch. It’s run by the same people who run Sleepers. We had a really lovely meal, I had a peppermint milkshake, cheesy garlic dough balls and then a pizza split in two halves, one half had pepperoni, bacon and double cheese, the other had chicken, feta cheese, sweet chilli sauce and coriander – so yummy. I also had a cocktail called a Hustler, which was lovely and pretty strong too!

We came back and I went with some others to Mahlahla for dinner (just a cheese burger) and to watch the rugby. We met another group of people who work nearby and they introduced us to a game called crud (or something like that). It uses the poole table but that is where the resemblance to poole ends. We had a great time and got home about 2230, straight to bed before another early start tomorrow!