Frequencies For Warfare And Healing

in #sound6 years ago


Frequency use in ancient times.

In the Bible we have a story of how sound caused the walls of Jericho to tumble down. In Joshua 6:1-27, the Israelite's were told to march around the city of Jericho for 6 days in silence. On the seventh day they all blew their horns and shouted verbally, and the walls of Jericho crumbled down. They destroyed the city.

In modern times, this account from the Bible has been proven by archeologists. They have excavated the site of Jericho and the findings support what is written in the Bible.

We have opera singers with great talent shatter glass with the sounds of their singing at just the right pitch.

Scientific Evidence.

Studies overwhelmingly show now that whales use sound to defend themselves and possibly kill their prey. Research shows that sounds from whales can blow out divers’ eardrums and vibrate a human being to death with just sound waves. Sound waves are frequencies that can be measured with test instruments.

Science has given our military and government as well as other countries around the globe weapons called by many names such as sonic and ultrasonic weapons (USW). These weapons can be used to injure, incapacitate, or kill a target.

Ultra-high frequencies for sound wave attack can interfere with your ability to hear temporarily or blow up your ear drums.

Less powerful sound waves which are measurable frequencies can cause nausea or a feeling of discomfort or an uneasy feeling.

Ghost Research

A researcher named Vic Tandy in the 1990s discovered in his laboratory by accident that sound waves at certain frequencies measured in decibels can affect vision and create hallucinations.

These frequencies can be manipulated to interfere with your vision and cause you to see things that are not really there. For example, a haunting, see a vision, or ghosts. This experience also brings the uneasy feeling such as the hairs all over your body standing up. Other feelings such as a chill that suddenly overtakes you, a feeling of dread, nervousness anxious the same feelings of a panic attack.

Vic Tandy got all of those feelings described in the above paragraph as well a ghostly sighting in his lab. He thought his lab was haunted and the haunting came about rather suddenly. He conducted more research and some old fashioned detective work to learn and prove out what was happening in his research facility.

Vic Tandy discovered an extractor fan had been recently installed in his laboratory. He measured the infrasound of that extractor fan and discovered his measurements showed frequencies of 18.9Hz, .3Hz, and 9Hz.

He researched and discovered that lower frequencies also called infrasound at levels around 20Hz or less or cycles per second which is in the normal range for human hearing.

Vic Tandy’s study of the infransonic sounds at these ranges and at these frequency ranges, scientists can use these waves to monitor earthquakes and seismocardiography which is the study of the mechanics of the heart.

The idea came to him to change those frequencies and his hauntings as well as his uneasy feelings immediately stopped and never returned. He proved his theory by going to other reported documented haunted locations and discovered the same frequencies in those buildings. Once the frequencies were changed their reported paranormal activity ceased as well.

If you experience anxiety feel like something not right, or have experienced what I've described above, maybe you have a frequency adjustment that is needed where you live or work.

Vic Tandy published a scientific paper on his findings in 1998 entitled “The Ghost In The Machine.”

Sound can be used as weapons.

Sound weapons can be deployed in a matter of seconds. These weapons can cause internal bleeding and can stop a human heart with a particular frequency that resonates with the human heart.

In other words, they can target entire populations or one specific target with a frequency and stop your heart instantly. This technology has minimum collateral damage to buildings or infrastructure.

I have written an informative short article related to this subject which can be found here: High tech clothing and the implications

I’ve pointed out the negative uses for sound aka frequency waves. There is a positive use for sound frequencies that we are just now learning about.

These sound frequencies which are also vibrations can also have healing effects on people at different frequency levels. We are just beginning to learn that ancient civilizations knew about sounds and at different frequencies for healing and the negative side of sound long before us.

I want to leave you with the positives of this technology.

Watch this video to learn the positive side of sound and how sound at the right frequency can heal your mind, body, and spirit.