in #soulreading3 years ago (edited)

Yoga may be known for its calming, soothing benefits but it can also be stimulating and energising. Even if you feel tired when you wake up in the morning, a short yoga session is guaranteed to leave you feeling awake and alive. A study at the University of Waterloo in Canada, found that Hatha yoga effectively improves energy levels. Scientists believe this is because it improves your circulation, stimulates your brain, releases muscle tension and triggers the release of feel-good endorphins. Unlike other forms of exercise that can leave you feeling exhausted, yoga incorporates periods of rest that keep your body refreshed and energised. For instance, you might rest in Child's pose (p86) or Forward bend (p42) in between challenging poses or relax in Corpse pose (p92) at the end of a sequence. Backbend poses are proven to be particularly good for energising and refreshing your mind and body. They extend your spine and open up your chest, allowing you to breathe more fully and oxygenate your lungs, energising your body. Sun salutation sequences (p102) are also designed to build your energy and are perfect for morning practice.