Did I mention that I am a Sorceress?

in #sorcery7 years ago

Did I mention that I am a Sorceress?


You may see interchangeably in future posts that I define as a witch, or as an advocate of witchcraft, which of course I am and I do, regardless, inherently, the undercurrents of all of my workings are of sorcery.

There are of course varying definitions of the word sorcery, especially by those who do not practice it themselves, so I feel I should clarify first my own stance on the matter which I have developed through the material of others that define themselves in a similar way.

A Sorceress is much like a witch, a woman that can use ritual, casts spells, enchant, curse,(although if one is adept at the art and has affable character then the Sorceress, as too the witch, has little need for curse,) uses astral, dream work, divination, candle magic, herbology, and so forth, much like the witch. The difference between a Sorceress and a witch is the perception in the source of her power.

In my case, gods, entities, demons and angels are used as energy or archetype and the reality of the god is neither here nor there, as Sorceress who basis theory on whichever knowledge of the sciences, common senses, and psychological process that are available, I see it as a practical approach to magic. My personal belief is that there are undiscovered sciences and that the human mind has far more power and capability than we are originally led to believe, we can however structure some kind of science theory through experience and from the history of those that have come before us and indeed also through the workings of our own great minds.

My background is also intermingled with Wicca and some traditional witchcraft, as a Sorceress I attempt to transform the old ways into practical workings with an independent twist.

Magickally, in the creation process, the focus is always internal and practical first, (for as "Magick is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will," I must first understand exactly what the will requires and the shortest route to access the inner mind to command to such will.)

Much of my work is transformative, as self is responsible for action, then self is where I begin. The imagination is then excited of course with an open mind, a transcended consciousness, and a thorough activation of the left side of the brain, art, dream, imagination and vision. (Ritual and alter workings, circle castings, followed by meditative trance are my preference although meditative trance alone in the astral temple is quite enough, I do enjoy the stagecraft of ritual, especially if the moon is full.) Ritual of course means to repeat, and repetition councils the mind.

Imagination is the source of all and has been thus far the key to human evolution and is the key for the evolution of self, and the manifestation of all to come.

Do not mistake imagination to be a mere daydream for it goes far deeper, I believe the occult pathways to be neurological and the gateways, and their residing entities, to be comparable to all parts of mind. These can completely manifest physically, solidly, and can arise as completely external, physical and, or auditory experiances, I completely understand those who choose to accept such experiences as absolute truth.

When these experiences are beckoned, I practice as a theistic would, I do not deny myself! Also to dismiss such a wonder would be a great shame, I also think that there can be little activation without fully immersing oneself into the project, but, I usually later dismantle the message as an atheist, (and this is the only banishing technique or tip that you will ever need.)

I say atheist, but this would not be completely true, as I currently believe that the mind, or in someways the spirit, has the capablitiy to escape the confines of the flesh suit, and perhaps the confines of the lifetime of the flesh suit. I currently believe that we are more than biology alone. I also believe in external energy, and beckoning, and using this energy and the power and knows that it has, I shall even call it spirit at times, I may even use one of the popular names. I do not however believe that these external energies are conscious beings, not as we know external conscious to be.

So far through these journeys I have always been directed to learn a new science of the mind. If entity appears, it is afterall, such an unusual and unknown part of the mind, or energy, that the brain must separate it from self entirely... In these cases I go with the flow whilst communion commences, the conclusion is in absorbing and accepting what is as the ritual draws to close. I am an advocate of assuming the godform, or absorbing deific mask.

Sorcery is a daily practice for me as I absorb varying energies through each chakra in meditation before sunrise and access the energies in my daily dealings with self and others. I, of course advocate the lesser magics also. It's not always a furore" it can be quite simple, it is always empowering.

I finish with an excerpt from a book that I enjoy by a fellow Sorcerer and recommend for those interested in combining science and magic. "Quantum Sorcery," by Dave Smith.



Somehow missed this post until now. Going to read it when I get a chance and let you know what I think. Keep it up!

How would you define a 'Magician' ?

Thanks for your question. It is tricky to define how others choose to veiw themselves, and unwise to define them. This article is introductionary on why I identify as a Sorceress and what that means to me, why I prefer the word and its connotation described through my perception so far. I'm sure magicians will agree and disagree with my description here, some may define similary, and some may not, and this may possibly be dependant on whether magic is coloured for them or not and further their own determinations of what the colours mean to them.