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RE: Becoming a Serendipiter: An Intentional Process for Creative Collaboration

in #songwriting7 years ago (edited)

Wow, what an amazing process! As someone who works primarily alone, writing is such an intimate and personal process for me... incredible the way the two of you share it.

I'm always fascinated by other artists' approaches to songwriting. Peter Gabriel, for instance, usually starts with drum tracks, then adds bass and guitars and synths and so on to make the music for the track, THEN writes lyrics and melody to go with it! So the reverse of the way I usually work. Although I have occasionally written lyrics to go with guitar parts I've written, it's not my usual direction.

Anyway, this is really cool.

I checked out and liked your facebook page as well, heard a little bit of music in the form of a guitar solo... it sounded great! I hope you two decide to enter the open mic soon. Remember it is an online version of an open mic performance and doesn't need to sound as professional and awesome as your band ;)


Thank you for your super kind words and encouragement, @bennettilaia! I'm also enjoy learning how others approach songwriting. I am especially intrigued by Wilco and Bill Bragg's ability to compose music to bring to life the lyrics of some of Woody Guthrie's catalog of unfinished songs for the stellar Mermaid Avenue album.

ooohh cool... I've never heard of that, will have to check it out.

A friend just told me that Leonard Cohen would sometimes work on the same song for longer than a decade.

@bennettitalia, do you have a youtube or facebook page where I can check out your music?
And thank you so much for your encouraging words. My wife and I love writing songs and usually follow a process where I'll come up with music and then she'll write the lyrics, but we have on occasion reversed it and I'll try to write music to complement her words. I'll be posting a song for open mic week 73.

Hi Marc!

Welcome to Steemit.

Your coming was foretold in local legends :D

I was actually looking for a place (and a way) to start getting my music out there when my friends @carrieallen and @chrisroberts introduced me to the universe of Steem. So I have no real web presence other than on Steemit so far, though it is in the works! Step one: save up enough $ to buy the equipment I need to make recordings with more than 7 or 8 tracks, and a better DAW...

For now, here are links to some of my faves out of my music posts in Steemlandia:

Thanks for your interest! Following you of course, and looking forward to seeing and hearing your posts :)