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RE: Happy Solstice: Thoughts on the Longest Day of the Year

in #solstice7 years ago

Living here in South Texas the summer solstice is just a reminder that there are at least 4 if not five more months of outrageous heat to go along with the two we have already had. The only difference is summer tends to mean more tropical humidity than the last few months so one might wish to grow gills in order to breath the thick air a little more efficiently. Such is life they say, if you can't stand the heat be Canadian and eat in the kitchen or something like that.
For me summer is the time to make as much money as possible because work tends to disappear during the winter months and the city tends to feel like a ghost town, the beaches are empty except for the local die hard beach bums, besides it's cold and you have to wear so many clothes... What fun is that?


Ah yes, I remember that! I lived in Austin for 20 years... and it seemed like there were two primary seasons: "Hot" and "Hotter."With occasional freezing rain in the winter... It was one of the reasons I eventually ended up moving north; spending the summers mostly indoors, in front of the air conditioner vent wasn't my idea of a great time... but I was born and raised in the high north.

Our summers kind of revolve around "tourist season" as well, which pretty much runs from early May to about Halloween.