The benefits of Solcial's decentralized social network for journalists!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #solcial2 years ago

Journalists have a tough job. They must research, write, edit, and publish stories that are relevant to their readers. They must be able to quickly find the information they need to deliver it to readers in an informative and engaging way.
They must report on world events as they unfold and convey relevant information in a way that engages readers. This is not easy, especially when there are so many events happening in the world at the same time.


They have to convey information about events in a way that is relevant and relatable, yet accurate. Sometimes they are the first to know about an important event, so they must be ready to report it as quickly as possible.
Journalists often have to work fast, which means they need access to all the information they have on their subject, and sometimes more than that! The truth is, journalists need a social network that doesn't censor them or their sources, but allows them to do their jobs easily.
The Internet is one of the best ways to share information quickly and easily, but it is also a place where people can be censored for expressing their opinions or beliefs. Journalists need platforms where they can share information without fear of being blocked from these sites.
This is where Solcial comes to the rescue. It's a decentralized social network that gives journalists the tools they need to keep their social media presence relevant and engaging while allowing them to focus on their work as writers.
Journalists at Solcial will be able to control their own content, meaning no one can delete their publications. There are no algorithms or third parties that decide what can and cannot be published. The moderator is the community, which can promote or downgrade publications and report inappropriate content. Users can only reduce the bandwidth of publications, but not delete them.
Each journalist will be able to divide their publications into subscription levels (public and private). Those who wish to receive the most relevant and secret information will have to buy author tokens for levels 2 and 3 of the subscription.
In Solcial, all data will not be stored on someone else's servers - it will be stored directly on the users' devices. The user's device acts as a node. This means that even in case of a failure of the central server or if a hacker tries to steal your valuable data, you will have access to it.
IPFS technology allows information to be stored and transmitted securely thanks to decentralization. Users exchange data at the P2P level.
To summarize the above, journalists should definitely take a look at this social network. The lack of censorship will allow them to share the most truthful and relevant information with their audience without the fear that their account will be deleted or other punishment applied. Since Solcial does not ask for personal information when registering, each user can remain anonymous.

Website: https:/ /