The World Largest Solar Plant
The world's largest solar plant has online in California with enough power to supply 1600000 homes. Spanning huge 9.5 square miles (2.5 square kilometers) a third of the size f manhattan the Topaz solar farm consist of 9 million panels and had a capacity 550 megawatts and it is a major step towards the states' goals of supplying 33 percent of electricity to home from renewable sources by 2020. The mammoth 2.5 billion dollars (1.5 billion ) project is located California's Carrizo plain in southeastern sun Luis Obispo Country.
Construction began back in 2011 but now with the installation of the final 40-megawatt solar farm to come online in the US and at a total of 550 megawatts. it is also the largest solar plant online in the world.
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