Change our world!

in #society7 years ago (edited)

I have always been interested in "The Venus Project" since I discovered it about 8 years ago.

It is rediculous to me that we are still plugging away at this capitalist society with a corrupt government.  I have lost faith a long time ago in voting or trying to hope our leaders will make a better world for us or protect us from poison in our environment or our food.  Let's face it our government is just worried about sucking resources and money.  This brings me to that great quote: "Capitalism is the absolute worst idea for a society, such a primitive idea until you compare it to everything else humans have tried".   I love the dawn of crypto currencies.  I love to see all these eco villages popping up.  I love to see more organic food, yoga, and love in our society.  I think it is time we start bringing all this stuff together.  
If you are not familiar with the Venus Project then you should be!  It is an amazing plan to create future

cities based on being carbon neutral, everyone has everything they need without money, everyone is taken care of, the society lives in harmony with the environment, and so on. Look it up damnit! It's not a utopia and its not perfect, but it's inspiration. Why have we not built one of these experimental cities just to try it? Well, it's because of money. It seems that the founder was wanting to wait for collapse and build from the ashes. I think a lot of the followers want to wait until they can build a full size replica, but it can be done small and on a more reasonable budget with other construction methods.
Earthships is where I would start. Micheal Reynolds the founder of earthships has built a small town of earthships near Taos, NM. They are wonderful, cheap to build, and 100% off the grid. (look em' up)

My point is someone with just a little bit of money please build a small Venus Project based city.  Use earthship tech for the buildings and houses.  Use small solar and wind.   Use aquaponics. Use greenhouses buried in the hill side.  Produce food for the city and food to sell and nearby cities.  Produce honey to sell. Produce arts and crafts to sell.  Produce as much as you can on site for the people of the city and to take to neighboring cities and sell at fairs and farmers markets.  Be completely off the grid and create a way to live that is far more advanced technologically that what we have today. Dollars or Crypto currencies can still be used just not really needed in the test city.  Hand pick most of the people that live in the first city: scientists, social engineers, engineers, artist, economists, farmers, permaculture experts, yoga instructors, message therapists,  musicians, and so on to ensure good success of that city and future cities.  Reserve a percentage of the profit for city growth, some for the citizens, and most of all a certain percentage to start the next city not far from the first one.  
 One of my favorite quotes from Buckminster Fuller:  


For the love of God, somebody give this a try! This could probably be done for under a 1$mil. Surely there is someone with a crap ton of money just sitting around that hates how the world we live in is going. I myself am saving and working on this plan. I don't have much now but hope to in the next decade or so. I just certainly hope that when I get around to making it happen I am not the first. If so I will be very disappointed in people lol. Much love to all of you and please start forming your own plan to make this old tired system obsolete. Lets make places that are so enticing and so compelling that people want more than anything to give up the old ways and come to these cities and be free. I have faith in humanity that we can come out of this slump we are in and realize our true potential as a species.


Interesting post, i upvoted and resteemed you.