RE: From Time-Outs to Caging Adults
It has been the male who teaches children about structure. About right and wrong.
Is it no wonder that 70% of the inmates are from fatherless homes?
Woman have forced men out of the homes, and out of the schools. And what we end up with is people who question right and wrong. Saying that such things are just made up bullshit. Saying that there is no good or evil, just whatever people choose at the time.
This ends with the destruction of society.
So, will we enforce marriages?
Or always send children to be raised by the father from 5 till 13?
Or will we change the schools system to demand that enough father figure presence is there in a child's life?
Or will we do as many tribes have done? When the boy turns 5, the men steal him. He now lives with the men.
Great points. It's been obvious for a while that our societies are breaking down. Too much governance and power is concentrated in the hands of too few. The societal engineers are working hard to destroy the family unit by isolating the divine masculine from the sacred feminine, thus splitting apart the divine union of male/female balance that has formed the cornerstone of mankind's existence. What's left after that is supression of the sacred feminine creative energy. Both polarities of male and female are under attack. Masculinity is being forced out and seeds of confusion are being sown in the upcoming generations where they're being told boys can be girls and girls can be boys. Or you can pretend to be one for part of the day and the other for the rest of the time. You see it clear as day in the prison system today where women pretend to be men by adopting the "stud" persona as a survival mechanism.
I harken back to the wisdom of Tyler Durden in Fight Club;
"What you see at fight club is a generation of men raised by women."
What we need is for men to return to the old ways and go back to doing what men are naturally inclined to do. When I come across posts that approach this subject matter, I always love to refer people to the work of Jack Donovan- his books, essays, etc. I would begin with this:
"The best revolt against a culture of weakness is to create a culture of strength."
Jack Donovan