
Ahh such truth in one small piece. The middle class has shrunk so far as to be unrecognizable. I struggle to remain solvent working full time. One financial hit can sink my boat easily... $500 in the savings bank is expected... $5 is my reality. No end is in sight. Good article.

Thank you @wandrnrose7 for your contribution to my post :-) I wanted to keep it short and to the point. The video talks by itself I guess. On the theme, this could be controversial due to the many defenders of self-determining and of having a world the most possible tax-free. I believe instead in the necessity for a country to take care of the poor and disadvantaged and find ways to distribute wealth and ensure minimal standards for everyone. I am not against taxes if I know that they will be destined for the good of society (look at the Scandinavian countries models, like Norway). We could debate a lot. People here is in favour of crypto, I am too and an enthusiast of its technology but.. how can this economical decentralised and anarchic model cope with the necessity of governmental structures, like the social welfare, equally important for ensuring a distributed wealth?

So agree. I have this discussion over and over again with my self-proclaimed anarchists or libertarian friends. Their argument is that people will because they are good and want to. My answer is - have you lived under a rock all your life? Am not seeing it, not now, not ever. Sure, there have always been some who took care of others. But they are in such a minority that we look at them as Saints - even if we are not religious...

I don't have a very high opinion of human nature honestly..usually when resources are scarce - and that's the moment when your true nature comes out - we are greedy / never contented / selfish beings. No..I call myself an anarchist, but anarchy doesn't mean disorganisation..this is a misunderstanding. As much as decentralisation doesn't mean bsence of rules..let's look at how an ethereum smart contract works for instance..well, if the cryptomovement becomes mainstream, there will always be the need IMO of a "social moderator" that will regulate certain dynamics in the way that disvantaged people can be safeguarded too in their fundamental rights. Peace and love sister ;-)

You are welcome. It's certainly a need to change the current construct. I hope some smart people come to agreement to lift the poor.

smart and not we should all feel the need for a change. This globalised capitalistic model is not sustainable, it's never been..everything that implies a constant growth in order to survive cannot be anything but unbalanced JMHO