Making Money Messing Around On FaceBook Part 2

So, what is affiliate marketing exactly?
Affiliate marketing, at its most basic level, is when a company pays you a commission or fee for assisting them in gaining new clients or sales.
For example, a company that sells a $100 weight loss program online might have an affiliate network that pays you 50% commission on each sale you assist them make. You might join this affiliate program and be compensated for spreading the word about the company's website.
Because the affiliate network offers a 50% commission and the product sells for $100, each customer you refer to that company's website will earn you $50.

It's that simple.
If you were an affiliate for this weight reduction course, all you'd have to do is identify people who are interested in losing weight, persuade them to click on your affiliate link (which will direct them to the company's website), and you'd be paid $50 for each person who purchased the package.
Because individuals tell you exactly what they're interested in (and thus what they might be interested in buying!) through their Facebook accounts, Facebook is the ideal place to make money doing this as an affiliate.

They do this through the pages they like and the groups they join.

You can then use this information to recommend things they would like (using your affiliate links), and you'll get paid if they buy them!
Because you're simply sending individuals information about products and businesses you know they'll be interested in, it's neither spam or unwanted marketing.
Let's imagine you come across a post on Facebook asking for recommendations for a nice Android phone. My previous one just broke, and I need to get a new one as soon as possible!
Normally, you'd respond to a post like this by naming a phone brand or providing a link to a phone manufacturer's website about which you've heard excellent things.

However, as an affiliate, you can continue to offer valuable advise while also earning money! Instead of simply sending them a link to the best-selling Android phones, send them an affiliate link.
They won't notice the change because they'll still be sent to the same web page with the best-selling Android phones, but now you'll get paid if they buy one.
What a fantastic idea!
Are you looking forward to getting started? The first step, of course, is to sign up for affiliate programs.

Stay tuned for part 3