Social Network - Portfolium

in #socialmedia3 months ago

Another social network account, where I have an account, is called Portfolium. This is a professional social network service, and job search service. It similar to LinkedIn, where students and alumni from universities, can connect with other students and alumni, and search for jobs. As with LinkedIn, users can put skills they have. In addition, they can add their projects they participated, whether in a job, or in some classes. Of course, to register or use an account, a user must have an email account, that is associated with a university. My account was created automatically, when I was still a student at Cal Poly Pomona. Of course, when the account is created, the user has the option to delete the account, or change the university e-mail to personal e-mail. I used this social network, after I graduated from Cal Poly Pomona, while looking for jobs. Currently, I seldom use this social network. Nevertheless, if anyone is on this social network, feel free to connect with me.

Here is the link to my profile.