7 Days Without Social Media

in #socialmedia7 years ago

The past couple of weeks for me have been really, well, sloppy. My productivity rate has been slowed down hugely due to one thing and that one thing is... Social media. For the next 7 days I decided to not use social media to see the impact it has on my life and I’ll be sharing each day.

Day 1
Day 1 was by far the hardest day for me to get though. Each minute my phone buzzed and I would have to try my hardest to resist checking. I felt like me banning myself from social media made me think about it even more than normal! 6 more days to go.

Day 2
On day 2 I told one my my friends the challenge which I had set myself and they told me to turn off notifications for all of my social media apps. I should have definitely done this before as it helped a heap.

Day 3
On day 3 I had a meet up with a couple of my friends at the park and had a BBQ. It was easy to resist social media because of all of the entertainment I had.

Day 4
I started to reap the benefits of not using social media. I felt so much more fresher though out the day and even got more sleep! Now I don’t think about social media in the back of my head which almost relieves one more stress.

Day 5
I found this amazing app called “forest”. In this app you can set a timer ranging from 10 minutes to 2 hours. What this app does is it grows a tree and as the timer runs out it slowly grows, but that isn’t the good thing about this app... The good thing about this app is the fact that if you leave the app the tree dies so no social media for me :)

Day 6
I spent the whole day inside doing work and almost* checked my Facebook a couple times. Nothing else much happened on this day

Day 7
I left my phone at home for the whole day and went to the city to relax with a friend. Though out the day I kept putting my hand in my pocket to look for the imaginary phone there (It’s crazy how natural it is to check your phone regularly) . I told my friend but what I was doing my they told me that they were going to try and set themselves the same challenge.

The Results:
Overall I felt like this was a really good experience for me and reminded me of how much we truely think about social media. I learnt that even though you may not be directing look at Facebook or Instagram your brain still processes that stuff in your head (Even when you sleep). Another key point was social media isn’t that important, yep you heard me right. The main reason I use social media is to keep up to data with things however I found that Not many important things are posted on it. I still will continue to use my social media but I will disable my notifications and limit my time on it.

Thank you so much for reading this and I hope you might one day take on this challenge :)