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RE: All the world's a stage

in #socialmedia6 years ago (edited)

Social media has become a battlefield here in America and our bully in chief has become the leader of the fight against "the other" and those who have different opinions. Sadly, violence and physical threats against non-supporters are becoming commonplace outside the social media sphere and due to social media. I can't say it is all social media's fault, much of the hatred has been taught from the pulpit, inside private clubs, and from parent to child for hundreds of years so the beliefs and hatred already existed, but social media has made it more "acceptable" to spew the vitriol openly and outside sheltered dark corners of America. It has and will backfire on those bringing it into the light of day. Many are losing their jobs for their social media antics and posts easily found by researchers, lawyers, and employers. I hope it cools down soon, but I believe it will get worse with every tweet war and press release made from the White House that stirs up people to act on their hatred for their fellow man.
Kryptonia @boboxer