Promote Your Content with Influencers on Empire Kred

Do you love social networking? Bring more social traffic into Steemit. If you are here to enjoy that people read your articles, this is a great way on how you can get more coverage - and maybe bring more people into Steemit community.

What is Empire Kred?

Empire Kred is a kind of market with social media influence, helping people to discover content and get a revenue for interactions, while helping publishers to get noticed.

Basically, you have your own sticker - connected to your social media accounts. The activity and interaction on these networks is being measured and your sticker is being evaluated. Activity turns into dividends you can use to invest into other stickers or create missions.

The more influence you have, the more valued is your account and people are likely to invest their own Eaves (virtual currency - but not cryptocurrency! Imagine these features were implemented into Steem, any #bounties  for it? :]  ) into your own ticker, further increasing value of your portfolio.

Few facts

  • It can be time demanding to start
  • It can be addictive
  • It can be expensive if you are not patient
  • It can help you grow genuine followers with particular interests
  • It can help you amplify your content outreach

How to start?

It depends. Some people want to launch missions from the very start, but competition is high and people with higher budgets of Eaves do have an advantage. And there are people who will invest every each Eave into profitable stickers paying high dividends, or making a quick revs buying low and selling high on big volumes, using broker tool (which is external and paid, but can help you make immense amounts of Eaves in shorter time).

Make your own decision whether you want to give this a try or not.


In case of interest, we can exchange your SBD into Eaves if you want to increase your influence on this network faster or want to launch a mission here.

If you decide to join Empire Kred, you can leave here your ticker and receive an investment to start.

Join using this referral link to receive full investment into your account.

Or just learn more using this non-referral link.


We love Empire Kred, and yes it is addictive!! Nice to see your post here.

Just joined Steemit. Looking around for familiar faces.

(e)sallykwitt and (e)internetsucc