Socialism is really bad, but...

in #socialism7 years ago

Yay... Unpopular opinion. I don't really like it, but i think if you can see more sides of the truth you can learn more.
I personally don't support socialism, i don't have any preference, but since i'm from Venezuela i actually want some change.
I don't think that socialism is something cool, or you should consider it, but since there's been so much corruption on my country its kinda the "look, that's socialism"

Venezuela IS socialist, i lived all my life in socialism, i got benefits from that, but i saw a lot of flaws, like socialism giving free money for a business and then the person just sell everything and running away.
My mom always told me that yeah, thats what happend when you give free thing, when you don't work for something you don't feel grateful about it.
Education is free, i don't know how bad that is, as a kid i did sports for free, then music. My family was extremely poor, but still, we had food and i could go everywhere i wanted.
Free health care was good, as a kid i got sick a lot, they could even get me an operation because the government was going to pay it.
Still, i would love to live in a country where just working you can get anything.
Also, the health care is not the same now that it was before, like i really need to say that... But well, it changed a lot.

THATS Venezuela, i keep thinking, that the US don't neet it, but it wouldn't be as atrocious as it has been here.
The thing that i like about other countries is that they work for things, you do your job and everything keeps moving.
Venezuela doesn't move, it was a circle jerk of lies and stealing money.
I guess it worked because they rob and give something "look, we're not that bad!"

Another thing is that socialism mentality is obsolete.
We're here literally like that episode of South Park Margaritaville where they said that the economy was upset, ECONOMY IS MAD AGANST US.
I really praise the companies that still work here, they decerve the best, they keep us going. Not only they keep providing food, they provide jobs.
Ironic that they keep Satanizing busineman, companies, and they are the ones that keep us going and that can save the country.
This country is full of irony.
If we are in a bad situation is because the people on the government are incapable of doing their job, and now they have to lie, create imaginary enemies, and do whatever they can to keep themself on power, because someone else get to see what have they done, there will be no place to hide.

If you read this far, I thank you very much. My english must be very bad, I accept criticism, I can make mistakes by making sentences.


Excelente. También soy de Venezuela y entiendo el feeling. Imposible no sentirlo.

socialism is social ownership of the means of production. There are private businesses in Venezuela, thus it is not socialist. It is actually a form of social democracy.