Socialism, short version.

in #socialism7 years ago (edited)

It's kind of amazing that no one seems to know anything about Economics...

Here's a short version:
Socialism is about taking money from the rich to give to the poor...?
What happens when you do that, is that there is soon no one left to invest in any worthwhile companies that produce ANY wealth, so the Tax-base goes away.
When the Tax-base goes away, there is NO LONGER any money to take away from the rich, because there aren't any rich!
Sooo, then EVERYONE is poor, with no hope of changing that.

Never mind that the people trusted with the power to take away that money from the rich, somehow manage to have some of it go to them! Putin's Russia a good example.


socialism is social ownership of the means of production. You are thinking of welfare capitalism.

Nice propaganda.

"social ownership of the means of production."?
The Soviets TRIED that. Remember the "5-year plans"?
They were ALWAYS 5 years away....
That was supposedly a "Workers' Revolution". Leading to a "Workers; Paradise".
SOMEONE ALWAYS takes control of Socialism and perverts it to their own benefit.

For that matter, SOMEONE ALWAYS takes control of ANY System of Government. Why I'm a Libertarian.
Keep ALL Government AWAY from me! LIMIT it as much as possible. National Defense and infrastructure are the only VALID excuses for having a Government.

My post is about what HAPPENED everywhere it's been tried. Not about propaganda for ANY Political System.
I'm a Libertarian. We Despise Politics.
Look at the most shining example every Socialist always quotes: Sweden. Sweden is going back to Capitalism!

sweden is welfare capitalism. Not socialism.

you see that massive fall right there? That's capitalism.

That's not actually Capitalism. It is a straight robber-baron oligarchy, held up by terror.
Why the fall in life-expectancy.
Capitalism is a system where, if you have a product everyone wants, you'll accumulate Capital.
No one buys Russian i-phones, therefore no Capital. Russia is forced to STEAL most of their tech, because their system does not encourage entrepreneurship(invention).

Putin and friends got control of Russia's resources, and killed anyone who objected.
wrong, also why are you talking about Putin

lol that was the reformist failed state, nobody cares what happened after Stalin

A la Venezuela.

Even the Ancient Greeks predicted this!

When a high number of people in a Democracy Vote to get "FREE STUFF", pretty soon the Economy collapses!
SOMEONE has to PAY for all that "FREE STUFF"!
As soon as there are more people GETTING than PRODUCING, it's ByeBye ALL stuff!

A Society's Economy is composed of producers, and consumers. Producers acquire wealth by producing, and consumers, by using their means to buy those products, DO NOT acquire wealth. They have to give it away.
Once no one is producing, the price of products skyrockets, until they become unavailable.
That's what happened to Venezuela.

LOL You are a brainwashed idiot. The fascist new world order government, under the guise of liberalism communism has rolled on, took everything from the people, and is letting them die. That's what's up. The youth of today are scary brainwashed stupid.

You seem to be lost in a world of anger and insults. Take Care.

Socialism without Capitalism = Fascism
USA is experiencing that transition now.

are you actually retarded? Fascism is a right wing authoritarian power-structure of the government and economy. Socialism is where the workers control the means of production. Socialism is the literal opposite of capitalism you can not have them together.

I'm not retarded. I would wager I understand things a lot better than you. Fascism = Nazi (aka, they were Fascists). Nazi = National Socialists. They were the Soros', the Rothschilds, out of the US and UK. Same people manipulating you today. Literally, history shows that I am right. You are a brainwashed fool.

I know the difference. They are all stepping stones used by the new world order to gain control. Socialism is what they say and use, the ideal to user in dictators. History shows us this clearly. I study history. This story is as old is time itself, and you are playing your part perfectly.

what? socialism does not need a state and has existed many times without it. You are the one being played by the rich oligarchs

lol fuck you i can guarantee you I am not, and you are missing a huge point... you don't account for the fact that the wolf comes in sheeps clothing, and when something comes in 'for the people' it is corrupted every single time. I am freeing myself from the system entirely. I am self sufficient, and aware, and outside of their banking system. I am ready to rock and I can guarantee I am closer to breaking free than you ever will be.

uhhhh stalin tried to step down at least twice but the public didn't want him to lmao

DNC -Democratic National Socialists.. Communism/Fasciscm comes from socialism, which is subject to financial hardship. See USA now. This builds resentment. The youth see no escape, brainwashed with historically proven failed models, that end up destroying the weak they proclaim to protect.

That is what history tell us, you are brainwashed and full of shit.

socialism is where the workers control the means of production, national socialism is where the government controls the means of production. They are complete opposites in every way.

You know antifa right? They are communists and socialists.

Historically, Hitler's movement started as the National Socialist Party. Before he killed most of them off and went Fascist.

And Antifa are ACTUAL Fascists, because they use violence for Political means.
