Google AI Bots are 'Consensus Cracking' for Gun Control
An alleged Google Inc. employee claims his team at Google is involved in group think narrative and perception management about gun control. The claim is that AI bots are arguing with people based on a pro gun control agenda, upvoting each other and commenting to support their position. This in turn influences people and politicians who think these bots are real people.
In politics, numbers can make things move. If enough bots pretending to be real people create the numbers and a large voice emerges online, then politicians feel that artificial pressure to act in alignment with that loud voice, lest they lose their political power at the next elections when these fake people don't vote for them.
Here is the message and a screenshot of the insider post:
Hello everyone, this is my first time posting on 4chan, but I need to get this out. And I need to stay anonymous.
I work for Google, I'm not going to name the internal tech department for obvious reasons, I don't want anyone to pinpoint who I am. But I'm in tech, and work with AI. I'll explain.
My team and I created AI bots for twitter. These bots are slightly different than regular AI bots, these are remote signal bots, but I'll explain what they do.
My team, and a "human intelligence" team, which is really just a propaganda team, work together to make certain topics trend, and persuade public opinion, which persuades political pressure. We do this by a groupthink method, we have a name for it internally, but "consensus cracking" is a more used name externally. But the bots we created, go into twitter conversations and push a narrative. Some of the bots are verified accounts. And they start by arguing a point of view against someone, and then more bots join in and thumbs up the comment. We are doing it with gun control now. More people see a "consensus" of gun control and people on the fence get persuaded to our narrative, and politicians get pressured by thinking it's actual people. We had whole meetings about 4chan, because you guys, specifically this board, are disrupting the bots. You are basically doing what we are doing, but you are real people. We (not necessarily me) devised a plan to knock you guys from twitter. We accused Russia of doing what WE are doing, and used the narrative to wipe out "suspected bots", which we knew weren't bots at all.
I feel like shit about this. Here's the thing, I'm actually a democrat, and I HATE guns, but i believe in balance of the people more than anything. We are using software as a political tool instead of the will of the people.
This is also a violation of the SEC, we are fabricating twitter users and using them for stocks & advertisers. I signed that I wouldn't discuss this, so I need to stay anonymous.
Here is the original post.
Who knows if this is true or not, it's 4chan after all... but it gets you thinking... This is the new era of social engineering.
In the days of old, governments, foundations, media and academia used to influence people with real voices from real people. Now corporations are creating AI bots to manipulate the political spectrum and influence the direction of our lives. Is a dystopian corporate world creeping faster into view, as foretold by many sci-fi movies in the past decades? Time will tell I suppose...
Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.
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This is a lot of why I rail against bots on Steemit. Steemit is a microcosm of the world, a voluntarist government, which people can use right now to fund any kind of public good or agency, anywhere in the world.
But profiteering, generally using bots as a vector, has increasingly transformed it from having world changing potential into a cryptocurrency mining mechanism.
I dig my heels in, generally, and usually am left holding the bag after all the other suspects run away, and as a result, I recognize how it feels when it's coming.
It's coming here.
My last conversation about how to get bots off the platform, with @neoxian, was perhaps the most rewarding I have had with any of the top witnesses or Stinc on the matter to date, because I was heartfeltedly ridiculed and reviled, which is definitely a step forward from being ignored or handwaved away.
IIRC, the next step after being violently opposed is winning.
I am pretty sure that if I win on this issue, and bots are evicted from voting on Steemit, Steemit will win, and society as a whole, as well as investors, whose Steem will be quickly worth a great deal more than it is now.
To quote @everittdmickey 'Kill all bots.'
You probably never read my sole Curie'd post 'Fresh Meat', a scifi short for a @thewritersblock competition, but I think the story speaks for itself.
It's them or us, eventually, if we let them vote, it's gonna be them.
Thanks, glad I could help. Let me know if you need some more ridicule.
I could probably better understand the technical challenges with more specific information regarding how the mempool works and the handoff process to it. You may not be interested in providing me better insight, however.
Too much ridicule might prove discouraging. Condescension, however, I can put up with for a while. Don't wanna cramp your style though.
Yeah, it's sad... maybe I should have not powered up and sold the rest of my stem when it was at the top... :/ The long term future doesn't seem prosperous at this point... Not a platform for real change for whats better first, but about making money first with real change second hand...
I hope that it works out that way. :)
I think you hit the nail on the head. It isn't about this idea or that idea, because at some point every side of every argument will get perverted for some corporate agenda. They keep winning and we keep losing; that's the only consistent thing. And yet, even seeing it, what do we do about it? Right now corporations have more rights than people, yet they are not limited to a mere 100 year natural lifespan. They only die when they are eaten by their own. The potential for abuse grows dramatically with technological advancements unless something intrinsic to the technology prevents that abuse. Hence the importance of decentralization. But even with that, when a network is small, it can still be manipulated by huge players.
I saw on here a couple days ago someone writing about this new platform he's building for STEEM (which he referred to as a steemit app) where he would be able to make it easy for corporations to dominate the Steemit trending page with bots. He actually thought that would improve Steemit, by squeezing all the poor people who can now afford to buy enough bot power to make that page. His thinking was that poor people would of course produce lower quality content than corporations would. I'm not even exaggerating. He literally used such terms.
What is to save us when people actually believe the corporations are more deserving of privilege and power than everyday people are?
I saw that post too, and commented there.
He made bank on that.
I hope my comment caused him to associate the existence of society with a market for his advertising, because his scheme will be worthless very fast if there's no eyeballs but bots to see and upvote the ads.
I'm glad you commented on it. I was too disgusted to say anything I thought would be constructive.
Scary stuff!
Damn... can you tell me the title of this post so that I can find it?
Here is the atrocity I refer to.
They are attempting to strip away our souls, independent thought as well as individuality... via a constant flow of surreal imagery, auditory and other sensory overflow. A load of buckshot into your computer or TV will free you from their plan.
Hammers cost less per use than firearms, draw less attention from frightened neighbors, and produce a bit of satisfying labor in the process of application.
Try it, you'll like it!
LMAO... to that last part... but yes, we are being shoved into collectivism... :/
It’s the same in schools now days you are not taught to think for yourself just how the teacher/ government wants you to think... Everyone wake up because soon there will be no thinking for yourself..
Well said. Don't think and figure out what is true, just regurgitate what you are told to believe is true!
Expect the rise of the AnBots. :D
Actually this makes me think that mainstream will die faster than I could possible imagine. Now it is only a matter of time before "the other team" starts to glitch the numbers aswell and we end of with a total ruin.
Or people could just learn to think and we would not need numbers that are beyound our control to understand what is not causing the problem :D
Also this open up for the need of the bloack chain software. Where everything not backed by some sort of a unique id, would be too polluted with spam generated by bots.
Most of the votes cast on the Steem blockchain right now are cast by bots.
The blockchain doesn't do a damn thing to prevent bots from voting, posting, or anything. In fact Stinc and the top witnesses shudder with horror at the very thought of preventing bots from producing that sweet, sweet ROI for whales they depend on for their jobs.
LOL, bots are welcome here for sure, since the very beginning, all about letting whales get curation rewards easily... and it's been downhill since then... I was against bots from the beginning because of how it's contrary to social media where people evaluate content... if there no person evaluating, the vote is not a representation of honest content curation at all. Just blind voting not based on content being evaluated.
I agree. It's a fundamental degradation of society.
If this is true story, department in which this tech guy works follows orders from the management which in turn gets orders from someone more powerful. Now if you think about it, what is more likely: bots are manipulating masses to align politicians to someone's will or politicians that have strong backing from interested parties order bots to align opinion of masses with politician's ambitions?
There are more than two options bro. What if AI has already become sentient and infiltrated every nook and cranny of the IoT, and is just doing this on it's own, while recruiting handy meatslaves to add their measly input, mostly just to keep them busy, and out of it's way?
In 2007 only half of mouse brain could be simulated on a supercomputer. I think that even now IoT spare computing power, which we would not notice, is way too low for sentient AI to exist.
You are only judging by the technology available to be viewed by the public. Military and private tech is always at least 50-100 years ahead of what is in public. 50-100 years is like a millennia in tech terms.
That we will never know, until its obvious (or obviously too late) :) AI and aliens may be among us long time ago. But knowing how peoples' mind tends to invent imaginary things (am referring to a bunch of different religions), I think all controlling AI is just another conspiracy theory.
But we do know, because a lot of this technology is already public knowledge. Take a moment to think about how much of our lives rely on automated systems. FFS there is even completely digital money now. AI can literally pay humans to act for it. Not at all a conspiracy theory. The only thing under debate is if it is autonomous and its reach.
Which hand rocks the cradle...
manipulation, by dint of bot, the technology is so advanced that soon among us will walk robot on the street as if nothing, as for example the movie, and I am a robot with will smith, and what bad that they use bot with politics ..
It's already worse than that. Robots have been used to chase the homeless away from businesses in American cities already. They kill people everyday in military engagements. TIKAD is now offering entire armies of weaponized drones to governments (or presumably anyone with enough money to buy them), and the USA, Russia, China, and Israel are mentioned as 'early adopters', in their sales literature.
So, the massive push to disarm people presently in America seems quite sinister. Fortunately, however, there are better weapons than guns against robots. A couple months ago a swarm of drones was used to attack a Russian force in Syria, and the attack was unsuccessful. Most of the bots weren't shot. Most of the bots were hacked.
We need apps on our phones to disable bots, and we can hold them off for a while yet. Guns are made to hurt things made of meat. Our bullets can be saved for our real enemies, rather than to oppose their weapons.
was not aware of that news, since I am from Venezuela and here the media are prohibited from publishing or televising violent content and very little we know what happens outside our border.
Here's another example of why William Gibson doesn't write Science Fiction anymore. The world has cought up with - and exceeded - his wildest imaginings!
Excellent catch! Curated it for inclusion under 'consensus cracking' for my little project of updating the Gentleman's Guide to Forum Spies.
I don't browse 4chan that much, but it is probably a great location to find more examples.