What does science say in its latest conclusions about the impact of social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, or iTestgram on your mental and psychological health?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #social6 years ago

Three million people around the world use social networking sites, or 40% of the world's population. We see an average of about two hours a day. This can be verified on the Snape Chat website every minute.

Do we sacrifice to sacrifice our mental health and waste our time in the evening? What do scientific evidence say about this?

Multiple insects to achieve in life.

Studies are ready for some self-reports and surveys, which can be in many shortcomings, and to date so far, can be said that this area of ​​research is fast-evolving, some began.


Look for local or uneducated people in the Middle East.

In 2015 researchers at the Pew Research Center, based in Washington, DC, sought to see if social media channels were more stressful than users.

In a study conducted by the Center, which included 1,800 people, women felt more stressed and stressed than men when using social networking sites. The researchers also found that Twitter is a strong contributor to this feeling

But intends to be a way to deal with tension, the more women employed. The same effect is not recorded in men. The researchers said men were less connected to social networking sites than women. In the end, the researchers concluded that they were getting social networks


In 2014, researchers in Austria found that participants in one of their studies reported a 20-minute mood drop after Facebook, compared with people who visited some websites in the same time period.

People feel this mood because they saw two people wasting their time using Facebook, the study said.

But a sense of good or bad mood can spread among people on social networking sites, and researchers from the University of California, who evaluated more than 100 million users on Facebook, between 2009 and 2012.

Happy publications have a strong and powerful impact, and every happy publication inspires good publications of 1775. But the idea that every happy publication can have a positive and positive change in mood is still not categorical.

Feeling anxious and tight

A number of researchers have studied concerns and strikes that may be raised by social networking sites, chess sleep and lack of focus.

To do a study in the Journal of "Computer and Human Behavior", a person who uses more than several people is appointed to health, or who never use it.

However, there is no conclusive evidence of whether there is a future for communication.

Feeling depressed

While some studies have found that there is a relationship between depression and social communication skills, there are reasons.

Tu Tu is studying more than 700 students for depression, such as bad mood, self-worth and despair, and their association with the nature and type of interaction on the Internet. Researchers noted high levels of diphtheria.

They say that, to ease life.

In contrast, scientists look for social integration?

Microsoft researchers conducted a survey of 476 people who tried to write their personal files on Twitter, looking for signs of depression, or using the language of evaluation. Then try the rating.


People used to spend the evening in the dark, but the industrial lights worked all day and night. The researchers found that it can affect the body's production of melatonin, which mainly helps to sleep.

Specializing in words. In other words, if you sleep at night while browsing Facebook and Twitter, you know you will not sleep.

Last year, researchers at the University of Pittsburgh surveyed 1,700 people between the ages of 18 and 30 and asked questions about their use of social networking sites and sleeping habits.

Researchers have found links between the use of social networking sites and sleep apnea, and now.

The researchers determined that it depends on how often these sites are located per day and how many hours they are cut. But they did not say whether the social networking sites directly on the social networking site.

Addiction to communication sites

Some of them provided by some researchers, which will be presented by the doctor in the hospital?

But if there is anyone to continue social communication, it can be fairly. In 2011, two researchers from the University of Nottingham Trent in the UK analyzed 43 previous studies on the subject and concluded that addiction.

The researchers found that excessive use was associated with problems in relationships, declining academic achievement, and non-participation in groups and activities away from the Internet.

Respect my self

Women's magazines use pictures of ideal weight models, and others tweak their photos using Photoshop to look more beautiful, but such images negatively affect self-esteem and self-confidence among young women.

Now, social media are also a major source of concern because of the influence of the media.

The social media also contributes to making more than half of its users dissatisfied with the meaning that connects them?

In a study conducted by researchers at Penn State University in 2016, the research team found that seeing Salafi images of people different from self-esteem for users, because they compare things that show the happiness of their owners.

As three universities in the United States, Strathclyde University, Ohio and Iowa, concluded, women compared themselves negatively with their advances to other women.

social relationships

You may have joined a friend while shopping to buy some photos on Instagram.

Just being there can affect our relationships with others, especially when we talk to them about things that have a mandate, and a faculty.

In 2009, 300 people aged between 17 and 24 will be interviewed about the jealousy on Facebook and ask questions such as: "Do you feel jealous at any time if you explain your life in your life?

The researchers found that women spend longer scenes than men on Facebook, and lessen feelings of jealousy than men when they do. Researchers began to appear on this page.


In a study of 600 adults, a third said learning social networks was a problem. Can not be more.

In addition, these feelings of envy caused a "spiral of envy." Was that possible?

On the other hand, it is not a "benign" feeling to work harder, a prescription for researchers at the University of Michigan and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee at the United Nations.

A number of researchers asked 308 students to look at "disgusting" images, connect to Facebook and Twitter, adjust the screen to buy expensive products, travel and advertise engagement or marriage news. But what the researchers found in this experiment was a kind of "good envy" They lead her to be happy.

Is it the conclusion?

It is clear that in many of the information, there was not enough information in this article?

As with the rest of the temptations of modern day, do not prefer the appropriate use of social communication for your child, not recommended. But at the same time there was a mistake ... in our lives.