How to gain more traffic on Social Media (YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, SoundCloud) - For Artists

in #social7 years ago (edited)
    Setting up your social media is the next step on your path to success, but before we start, you need to learn a little about the benefits of social media. Now I'm not talking on what you can do on social media, but what different social media platforms are best for what situation.
    First of all, let's talk about the first social media platform that is crutial for distributing your music to people, and a lot of people are forgetting about it or not using it properly is YouTube.
    YouTube has been here for over a decade, and it's the most powerful social media, especially for artists. It has the most users, and it's creators-frendly and it's the best way to distribute your music + it's free.
    Now YouTube is the most important one since you can upload all sorts of video material on it, from audios, to music videos, to lyrics, covers, vlogs and all other material that is necessary for a great music career and I'll cover YouTube as an individual growing market later on.
    The next 2 most important platforms are Facebook and Instagram, and not by their usage when it comes to posting, but for their ad platform. Yeah, ads by Facebook and Instagram are the best tools to get your music heard and it's very efficient and it has a wide range of targeted people per ads which is insane.
    Other social media that aren't that necessary, but it's good to have if you want to earn money is Soundcloud, Spotify and Twitter. I prefer that Soundcloud is most important out of those 3 cause the revenue you can earn from there is insane also, which I'm going to cover later on in details.
    To set your social media as an artist, first of all you need to have quality content. And you need to have in mind that this isn't a game. If you are composing music as a hobby, good for you keep doing what you like cause you don't need to implement these things really, but if you are thinking of doing music for a living these are some crutial things that you need to know in order for you to succeed on social media.
    Now a lot of people don't really focus on social media and study how it works, I get that, it's not a really huge problem since most of you spent your time learning how to produce, but there are some things that you need to know in order for you to grow on social media.
  2. Quality isn't everything
    There are tons of quality material on social media, but without any bigger reach. Also there is a lot of bad material with a lot of reach. That is why people say this industry is over-floaded with bad material, since a lot of good ones don't get much attention. But why is that?
    People try to focus only on negative stuff, and they give mostly the bad material better attention, but the downside of that is when someone uploads something bad and it hits viral, people are really not focusing on it for too long, since there is that rule of „old is getting old and new replaces the old“ that I've mentioned earlier, people change focus on the next bad thing and the old stuff gets forgotten.
    But for the quality stuff when people find it, people tend to follow them and thus you create yourself your fanbase.
    Which is good, but the main problem in that is that if you are not really up-to-date with your stuff, you will aslo be forgotten, since again the rule aplies. So either you aren't producing quality music or if you do just need to be consistant, and either you're bad or good at producing music you will always keep the attention to you.
  3. Focus on your average reach
    Some people tend to focus only on the track which got millions of plays, but all of the other tracks can't get passed just a few couple of thousand. They are really focused on bringing that up and they aren't focused on the average reach of their tracks.
    So what is the average reach?
    Let's say you have 1 track that has 10000 plays, and 1 that has 5000 plays, your average reach between those plays is 7500.
    The formula is very easy, combine your total plays and divide them with the number of tracks you have. So let's say if you have a total play count of 50000 and you have 10 tracks, you've got 5000 plays on average, no matter if 1 track has 20000 plays and the other 9 have much less.
    So your responsibility is getting that average reach the highest as possible. So it's really better to have 10 tracks that have 20000 plays each, then to focus on just the 1 track and make that track as bigger as possible.
    But why is that so important?
    It's important cause of your consistancy when getting plays, just imagine that you spent all of your budget on promo just to promote your 1 track, and you have got a huge number of plays and likes on it, but then when you upload another track, how will people know? Yes you will get followers that could follow you and yes you will get a number of plays from it, and yes you will grow your average play rate and you will still basically do the same thing, but it isn't really the same.
    If you go back to the „old is getting old and new replaces old“ rule, you can be sure that your track which was promoted quite heavily will get old eventually, and what you are left is with basically nothing.
    Let me explain this troughly:
    Imagine you have bought promo for your track and you've got 1000000 plays on your track and you have spent most of if not all of your budget to get all of those plays, now let's say you've got about 500 followers out of that track (I'll talk about getting followers/subscirbers/fans later on), and that means all of your tracks will eventually get just 500 or less new plays each time you upload a new track, but you've spent all of your budget on pushing that track and basically all of those people that have listened to your track will replace it with something new. Now imagine if you upload 10 tracks, and you distribute 1 track each week, or each 2 weeks, and you are consistant with the uploads, and all of those tracks you push to 100000 plays, what do you get by that? Yeah, you will get less followers than before, but would you? No. Why not? Because you are constantly delivering content on your channel/account and you basically will get the same amount of views but your average playrate won't be the same as before.

Now I know everything sounds confusing about this „average“ play rates, pushing traffic and everything so I'll just put everything that I wrote right now into 1 simple formula that you can use to see how better are you getting with your music. Now don't call this stupid, cause this is how most of the analytics are working on any social media.
Count all of the content you have uploaded in the period of 1 month, so let's say you have uploaded 3 tracks in 1 month, and you have gotten 300000 plays in total of those 3 tracks, and let's say that you've pushed 1 track to 250000, and you gain 25000 followers and on the other 2 tracks you've gotten 25000 plays on your track. So the next month you just upload 3 tracks again, without any promo and you get 25000 plays on your tracks again, but now let's compare those 2 months.
On the first month, your total reach was 300000 plays, but on your second month it's only 75000. You see my point?
Now that technique is actually good in some cases, it really builds up your career very good and you can actually benefit from it at some point, but later on, I'll explain the major downfall of this, and a lot of people are mistaken when it comes to building up the average reach for your music.

  1. Fake traffic
    Fake traffic in most cases sounds very bad, and people tend to stay away or misjudge fake traffic. That's understandable, but keep in mind that even channels like VEVO, Warner Music and other major labels buy fake traffic. But why? Why do they do that if they are major and a lot of people will hear their track eventually, and why are people agains it so much?
    If you look logically, imagine that VEVO uploads a new track, and that track without fake traffic get's around 50,000,000 plays, you will say okay that's good, and again there is the „old“ rule, and the track will be forgotten. Now imagine if that track somehow reaches 999,999,990 plays after some time. What will happen? People will start giving attention to that track since it will hit 1 billion? But how did that happen? Did people actually listen to that track over and over again until it has reached almost a billion plays? Of course not, that's a marketing strategy everyone uses at this point. It's just so they can get real plays on their track. If they buy let's say 100,000,000 million fake plays for 12,000€, but they get 20,000,000 million real plays in return cause the track became big, and 20,000,000 million plays would've cost them 20,000€, they saved money, now of course those numbers are just there to show you an example, but that system works that way. Even for small artists, if you go on a new artist's profile, that you just freshly discovered, would you be more attracted to the artist's profile if he had 1000 plays per track, or 50000 plays per track? The main reason for that is cause people tend to click and listen, and follow people that are bigger, and that have a lot of followers and plays, cause we are programmed to check out something that a lot of people have already checked and like, rather than check something that doesn't have that much attention. This isn't only aplied in music, but in our everyday life.
    A lot of people hate the fact to buy fake traffic, but there are a lot of positive benefits for it. Now I'm not saying go and buy only fake traffic and that's it. No that's not the way you want to go. But first buy fake traffic then mix it with real advertising. Either you are an independent artist or a newly established record label, that's a good strategy, believe me.
    Cause it's better to promote a track that already has 10000 plays than to promote a track that has 10 plays. More people will click on your ad and listen to your track, test it out and you'll be amazed on the results.
  2. Schedule
    Scheduling is a big process for success on social media. A lot of people don't even realize that when you see a bigger profile of an artist or anyone who uploads content on social media, they have all of that content planned out days ahead, maybe even weeks.
    My big suggestion of scheduling is that, either you want to upload just the tracks or anything, you have a number of already made content (videos, tracks, promo material, photos etc.) that is ready to be published, and set up a schedule. Don't just make a track and when it's ready do all of those stuff and upload all just after you've finished. Let me explain why:
    Let's say you have made 1 track and you've uploaded it on your social media, or you picked up a label and got signed on it then you do another track and upload that other track, but you don't give your time on actually studying how your first track was doing in the first place, then you do couple of tracks that way and you suddendly realize that something doesn't add up. You are stuck at some point of not getting anywhere, nor you progress onto making something better.
    And now let's say you've made up 10 tracks, all ready to be published, with all the promotional materials for your tracks, music videos or anything related to the track and you published 1 track at a time, look how that track progresses by using analysis, focus on your grow, focus on your feedback that you're getting on your track so you know what else can you upload to get even better result. And you are not stuck cause you have a lot of material to publish.
    So what is the difference?
    The difference is that once you have published a track and you didn't prepare or schedule your posts and your uploads, you need to start making another track, getting stuff ready for your other releases, but you don't actually have time focusing on the future of your releases and you just think that it's going to be good to upload the next track that I'm gonna work, even better if you have found your own unique style. But wait, what if, and really think about this for a second, what if after 2-3 tracks that you've uploaded people start getting annoyed of your stuff, of your style, and start to lose interest and you lose followers? But you don't have time to analize that cause you are already booked up by work on building everything cause you need to upload new music and you just get stuck in a loophole where you gain new followers with new content if someone new arrives and listens and likes your music, but then again you lose followers cause they've got bored listening to your music. Another thing that can happen is that something comes up, that you must do, so you cannot do music at that time, and then you don't have any content to upload. What's gonna happen then? You will lose your consistency and people will just forget about you cause they'll replace the old with the new. The probles with is are endless and I can write a whole other book on this theme but I hope you get the point.
    On the other hand, if you are prepared and have a great schedule, and a good number of various content to show and to upload, then you are good. You won't have a problem on not having time to upload something, so it's easy to stay consistant even if you don't have time to produce, you can find time to do analysis of feedback you're getting on your music, and how different styles work + you will have more free time, cause you won't be so focused on getting new stuff out and you won't have to work every single day since you will already have all the work done, so you just need to relax and see how your career grows smoothly and without any problems. And if you get an idea, you can also produce new stuff and have even more content to share, so you never wound up without any content.
    If you don't believe me that works, look at some of the major labels out there. How many times did you heard a track played live somewhere from a big artist and then you won't see the track uploaded for couple of months, but in those couple of months they've uploaded 5 different tracks, exept that one? It's the truth, and it's something everyone that have succeeded are doing it. Cause it's one of the most important process in having a smooth career.
    So that story leaves us at the last important thing is
  3. Teasers and Previews – The right way
    Everybody share teasers and previes, WIPs, snippets of the work they are doing, but most of the people are doing that the wrong way.
    Now if we implement the previous factor that I've talked about and that's scheduling, you will find out what is the real use of Teasers and Previews.
    Most of people start a track, and make an idea, or some part of the track, and they upload that track on Instagram or Facebook with a generic description „My new banger is on it's way“ and that's bad.
    And no, I'm not saying the description is bad, I'm also sometimes upload that kind of videos on my social media, it's not a bad thing to be confident in yourself and on your production, but the problem is the reason why and when did they upload that preview.
    The real usage of teasers and previews isn't so that you can share your work on what you are doing right now, it's actually so that you can test out what you have already created, so that you know if people will respond positive or negative about it. Most common mistake people are making is posting videos on group asking for feedback when they did just 1 part of the track. And yes, I know that it's really good to have someone to listen to your track and to give you feedback on what you need to change, but that's wrong and I'm going to talk about this subject later on and what is the right way. But anyways, the main reason for you to upload previews of your track is mainly cause with the feedback you are getting for that preview you know is that track good for a release? Now if you are implementing a good scheduling strategy, you will see how effective the strategy is, cause with previews you will know out of all the material you have left to upload, with previews of your „work“ and by „work“ I mean videos you have recorded while you are doing the track, but saving those clips until you have a finished product you can find out how many people would listen to your track, if the track has potential to reach a lot of people.
    You can see that by looking at some artists doing that same thing, for the same reasons I've mentioned. For an example; have you ever saw an artist upload a preview of their track totally random on their social media with a description „working on something new“, and the idea sounded so nice that you just can't wait for him to release it so you can listen to that track. Well you aren't the only one who thinks that. That is the whole point. But then months have passed and they still didn't upload that track yet you still wish that he has and you just keep on waiting patiently for the upload. The reason why this is done is because of the „refferal method“.
    Have you ever got on to a site where you have an option to reffer a friend in order to get something? Well this works on a simillar way. Imagine you upload a video of a track that you are „working on“, of course implementing the techniques that I've told you, and one of your friends or someone you know shows or shares that video (reffers) to someone, and that other person also likes the video and now they both can't wait for you to upload that track. Then after some time they do it again, but they share the track to other people and you gather up a lot of people that can't wait for you to upload that track.
    So basically, the longer you wait if you started getting amazing feedback, the more traffic you will actually get when you upload that track since a lot of people expects you to. That's a very good strategy. If you don't believe me, do some research on that, cause a lot of artists do that. It's a good way to bring traffic to your music if you have a good schedule + you know what tracks are better, and what tracks are going to get you more reach. So to sum up everything that I've told you about setting up your social media:
  • Don't focus only on quality, be consistant. People always tend to look for new stuff, so be prepared to deliver.
  • Average reach is better than focusing on getting 1 track big. Results are much better and you'll engage more fans that way.
  • Fake traffic isn't a bad thing. Mixing it up with real traffic can make your ads more successful since people tend to click more on stuff that have more views.
  • Schedule your posts. Make more content then upload them according to your schedule, rather than doing 1 thing a time.
  • Don't post Teasers and Previews just so you can share what you are doing. Do them smart by your schedule. There is a big reason why it's better to do it that way.
    Getting fans trough social media can be really tough, even after you have set up your social media the right way, how can you really get people to look up on your content?
    Before I get started first of all I must tell you why it's important that you set up your social media the right way and why it's important to get the most reach as you can.
    Setting up your socials is only the ground point, the basics on what you must learn in order to get traffic. I talked about average reach, and why it's important as a step on setting up your social media, but why is it important when getting your traffic?
    The best social media to make an example on is Soundcloud, which I'm going to talk about it a lot in this book, and the option to gain followers trough download gates.
    Imagine that you can get 1 follower every 100 plays you have on average. If you buy promo that will boost your track to 300000 plays and you don't focus on any other track, you'll get about 3000 followers out of that track, then the second one will get about 3000 plays only which will give you about 30 new followers, then the next track will give you 30 more and that sounds very slow. But if you push 1 track to let's say your first track to 50000 plays, you'll get 500 followers, and you push your second track to 50000 plays, you'll get another 500 followers, and after 20 tracks you will get 10000 legit followers that will listen to your music, and you will get 10000 plays organically without buying any promo.

Now the numbers are just for an example, sometimes you can get 5 followers from 10 plays, sometimes you can get only 1 per 1000 plays, all depends on how good your track is, but on average, if the music is okay, I saw people get about 300 new followers on every 10000 plays, which is insane if you are a label just starting out. I'll explain why when I'll talk more about revenues and how you can get money out of it.
But let's say that you're doing stuff on YouTube also, some fangates have an option not only to follow you on Soundcloud, but also to subscribe to you on YouTube, and again if you're publishing only on YouTube it's the same thing. But on YouTube you can get a lot of subscribers if you're doing something that can make you viral. Everything is about content. Sometimes you can get 1 video up to a million views, and if you are consistant and you get every video up to a million, you'll soon reach out 1 million subscribers, since people tend to subscribe to channels they find interesting. That is why I've said earlier that YouTube is the biggest platform ever, since you can do so many different content except focusing only on your music, which can bring you up more and more traffic.
Now on YouTube, it's pretty different story than on Soundcloud. On YouTube, you get 1 view everytime your video is played, regardless if it's the same person watching the video again and again (as long the views are high retention – which means they've watched more than 75% of the video, if they are low retention, the count stops for that user at around 10-15 per IP address, and it starts again counting when they deliver high retention views), as on Soundcloud, you get 1 play per an IP address. And the ratio between subscribers and views on YouTube is insane in compare with a low quality ratio of followers to plays on Soundcloud.
For an example, if you have 1000 subscribers on YouTube that really do follow your every video, you will get around 3000-5000 views per video. The reasons are pretty simple, you don't actually have just 1000 subscribers, you have more people that follow your work on YouTube, but they didn't subscribed, they share your video to their friends and you get couple of views from that also. If you make music they listen to the track couple of times thus you get more views from them. As on Soundcloud, a completely different story. For your 1000 followers, if all of those 1000 listen to your track, you'll get about 1000-1200 plays, and those 200 plays are if they shared your track and you've got some plays from that also. So YouTube is far more better when it comes to getting views from your fans.
Good story, but what does that mean for my music career?
Well, when you are doing music and uploading it on YouTube, you are a YouTuber regardless wheather you want to be one or not. So in order to succeed as an artist on YouTube, you must succeed as a YouTuber. That is where the part „be consistant“ stands out.
As a YouTuber, your primary focus is delivering good content on your channel, so when someone new arrieves, he or she can see your content and subscribe to you so they can see more future stuff. That's the whole point. But it's not nearly as simple as it looks.
I've talked about scheduling earlier and this is the reason you need to implement those techinques, especially when it comes to YouTube. Real subcsribers who are your real „fans“ don't really care that much about the schedule. If you deliver good content, they will come back eventually even if they replaced your content with something new, when that new content becomes old, you will be the new content regardless of when you've uploaded it. But staying consistent isn't really for your subscribers that you have right now, it's for those subscribers that you'll get later on. Most of people also subscribe more frequently if they see that you upload your content regurarly with a professional looking schedule. It can be anything from a video per day, 5 videos a week, 2 videos a week, 1 video per month, it just has to be on time and scheduled from the beginning.
I understand that's this sounds very boring for now, but it's the crutial step that you need to understand if you're doing music as a professional career, and if social media makes you money, you need to accept their terms.
So after you learned why you need to set up your social media correctly, we can talk about 2 ways on getting traffic on your social media.

  1. By buying promotion
    Even if this sounds pretty simple, it's not. You really need to know how to promote with buying promotion. There are a lot of courses for advertising with a lot of marketing startegies for a reason. Now I'm not going to talk about how to make your ads cause that's wasting time, but I'm going to talk about how to implement advertising with buying traffic from sources that are legit.
    Now the first thing you need to understand is that you need to have a good budget for marketing your music and you need to understand that every bit of money you invest in your content to promote it, all of that money will go back to you with sales and revenues, and even more, so in some situations you can earn more money than you actually spend on promotion.

Buying promotion is pretty simple, and I'm gonna cover up all of the basics of promotion for all social media:
YouTube – buying YouTube promotion is actually the simplest and effective type of promotion that is used most commonly in the YouTube industry, since the promotion can be connected by using Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads etc.
YouTube has a thing called AdWords where you can promote your YouTube videos using ads that are implemented on another's YouTube video, it's the most efficient way and you'll get the most out of your video. But the downside of that it's sometimes too expensive. You are paying a lot to get too little traffic, and you aren't getting that money back from your monetization. But it's good when you want to build your fanbase efficiently cause you'll bring only the people that are interested in your music.
Next thing for YouTube that really works and you really do get what you've ordered is a site called Devumi. On you can order up a number of different traffic for your YouTube channel and I strongly recommend this. The traffic is organic, which means it's real and you get real people to watch and like your content, and if your content is good, you will get permanent fans.
The other thing I've mentioned earlier is that implementing your ads trough Facebook can also get you YouTube plays, but how?
When understanding how Facebook Ads system works, you can easily implement that on your YouTube content, and amazingly, that is the cheapest option out of those 3, and it can be most efficient if you deliver content that people would prefer to watch.

Facebook –
Facebook Ads are very simple, you have a site on Facebook, and when you upload a post, you can promote that post using Facebook Ads platform.
Charges for a Facebook Ad can be as low as 1€ and with that 1€ you can get couple of hundred of people to see your ad, which is insane.
Now of course it's amazing what you can really do with that, you can promote any type of posts even your Facebook page too but you need to be creative and make posts that are actually eye-catching in order for people to take interest in your ad.
Earlier I've talked about implementing YouTube promotion as Facebook promotion, and it's quite simple. You upload a post on your Facebook page regarding your YouTube video, and then everytime someone plays your video, you will also get a view on YouTube. So for an example, you pay 20€ for an ad, and you generate your ad reach on about 30k-120k, and now imagine out of those people 10k people click on your video and listents to your track, that means your track is pretty good, your ad is really eye-catchy and you had a successful ad for your video. Now in reality, it won't be that simple, cause that's where your talent needs to kick in. You really need to have good content, a good thumbnail for your video, a good caption for your ad so people get attracted to it and engage.
Instagram works the same way as Facebook cause they are using the same system.
Soundcloud –
There isn't really much that you can do for Soundcloud rather than find a good repost service and invest in that.

  1. By promoting it for free
    Promoting music for free can be really slow and boring, but if you don't have a budget to spend on promotion, it's going to be something you must do in order to get your first fanbase.
    Promoting music for free isn't really a good idea if you have already built your fanbase and you have a good amount of people that listen to your music. This is just a ticket to get your first couple of thousand people that will follow you. That's why people sometimes tend to get stuck with just a few thousand followers and they just can't get anything more than that. Why is that?
    If you want to understand why this happens, you must first understand that the best way to get people to follow you is to giving them something in return for free. I don't mean money or anything, but it can be anything that your fan can benefit from it in the future.
    For an example, a lot of people do remixes of popular tracks now, and it's a good thing for an artist to do that because a lot of people love that track, and some of those people like to listen the type of music you are creating so that means that if your remix is good, they would like to download that remix so they could listen to their device, play live if they are dj-ing, putting the remix onto their content if they are creators etc. So when people make remixes, they often if not all the time, upload those remixes trough a free download gates. It's the best thing in this industry regarding free promo. Cause with a FREE DOWNLOAD FANGATE, a person can download your track for FREE and in return they give you a follow. Just try to search up some channels on YouTube or some profiles on Soundcloud that upload remixes of tracks, and you will see that they upload those remixes for free. Cause they all know about this.
    As I mentioned before, on average, you can get 300-500 followers per 10,000 plays on your remix. Now imagine you upload 2 remixes each month, that's about 24 remixes a year, that could get you, on average between 6800-10800 followes a year. And this doesn't really sound much at first, but remember those number cause later on I'm going to talk about them more in details, this is really important to understand if you are considering on implementing free promotion for your music.
    Now getting 10,000 plays on your track sounds really tough, but actually it isn't. Everything depends on what type of music are you making. If you are making electronic music, there are tons and tons of promotional channels and profiles where you can submit your music to. As I talked about earlier, everything is about the quality of your music, if you haven't mastered your productions yet, and if you don't have everything scheduled, don't start promoting your music, cause you aren't really there. You are just 1 more artist trying to get heard when you aren't really an artist yet, you're just a student who needs to learn a lot more when it comes to music and composing.
    On the other hand, if you do have everything set up, and you have high quality music, be prepared to get positive responses from channels and networks that promote music. Look those channels up, there are tons if not hundreds of free networks that promote your music without anything in return. And when you add up your promo from those channels, you'll eventually get those 10,000 plays to start with, but in reality you can get much more than that.
    Next thing that I didn't mentioned when I talked about buying promo, since it's very logical that you can buy fake traffic, but what about getting fake traffic for free? Is it possible? Of course it is!
    You can get any type of fake traffic including YouTube views, Subscribers, Facebook likes, Instagram Followers etc. for free!
    There are tons of services that you can use, and I've told you before what is the main usage of getting fake traffic, so when you implement that into actually recieving fake traffic, and the best thing about it is that it's completely free, you will see the results for yourself.
    Some services that I recommend for getting fake traffic for a specific social media are –
    SocTop – The best service for getting Instagram followers, likes and Facebook likes. The followers are actually real, so real people do like and follow your stuff, but everything is done by their bot.
    YTMonster – The best service for getting YouTube traffic, from views, likes, comments and subscibers, really efficient and working the same way as SocTop.

Unfortunatelly there isn't any other efficient way of getting traffic on your music execpt by getting on a label, but I will talk about labels later on when I'll talk about the secrets of the music industy. So for now this knowledge is everything you could ever want when either going independent, or starting your own record label, there are no limits when it comes to traffic. Billions of people listen to music everyday, and a lot of those people look for new and fresh stuff, especially good one. So be smart and creative when it comes to promoting your music.

So after you set up your social media and learned how to get traffic, now it's time to actually grow your social media and get your music heard by people by implementing everything I have tought you till now.
First thing you need to do is gather up some material to upload on every of your social media. Let's say you want to upload your first track on YouTube. Set up everything you need, the video, art for your Instagram and Facebook profile and other media if you have. After that you should upload everything at the same time. Share the video you've uploaded also on every of your social media with a link in the description of your art that you have uploaded.
After that choose your best option for promotion and start growing your career.
It's very simple actually, but is it? Many people actually know all of this cause it's basically common knowledge, but what the don't know is that you can fall into a lot of traps regarding actually keeping that growth to the point you need. As I mentioned earlier, a lot of people get stuck on a point where they can't move from couple of thousand followers, and why is that? They are doing the same thing that I have talked when it comes to growth on social media but after some time it doesn't work anymore.
The 2 common mistakes people do are:

  1. They implement everything at once
    People often buy real promotion + fake promotion, schedule their posts, and promotion way ahead, then after everything is done they don't really get the result as they wanted.
    Usually when I see people do that, they just get stuck at couple of thousand followers, and after that they do the same thing over and over again but without going forward.

  2. They think something will come up, it must, musn't it?
    When people grow their social media, they imidiatelly start to think „oh now when I get to 500000 subscribers after spending thousands of dollars, I will get sponsored by so many people, I will start touring, I will do this, and I will do that“, well that should work right? But it won't. Usually people do the 1. mistake then after that they do this one, and they don't actually get that much following but still they do expect it at some point but when in reality, they won't go as far as their standing where they are now.
    Getting to know those 2 mistakes, it can be extremely easy not to make them. So be sure not to overpush everything. Upload first, then promote it if you are thinking of buying fake promotion do that first, then do real promotion then wait until you have upload your other track, cause you can watch on the growth of the first track you have uploaded, then after that you can change your marketing strategy if needed for your second upload etc.
    Now after that, as a bonus for succeeding on social media, I have 10 tips that you can always implement when doing anything on YouTube or any other social media, not just music. It's good to know these things to keep your fanbase active:

  3. You are not uploading content to get more followers, you are uploading your content cause you like what you are doing, followers don't matter as long as you are feeling good when you upload stuff on social media.

  4. Followers will grow eventually, just stay consistant.

  5. Don't focus on getting big overnight, be happy when you hit 100 followers, 1000 followers and later on tens of thousand.

  6. Engage with the fans you already have, don't just focus on how much other fans you're getting. People love to be noticed.

  7. You are not doing this for money, if you want to make something just for money go get a real job. This isn't an industry where your focus has to be only on what you're getting. You are giving your pieces of art to people so they can enjoy. So focus on how to make people enjoy your art even better.

  8. Don't hesitate to spend time interacting with fans, take as much time as you need to be social with people.

  9. Keep uploading even if you don't get the number of plays as you want. Remember, your journey is ungoing, so you might get that number in the future.

  10. Haters will always come and they will try to take you down. Don't focus and interact with them, when they see that you don't give them attention, they will just go away.

  11. Listen to other people's ideas and try to implement them in your content. Not because of the reason the content will be better by the idea or not, but because that way you will show that you listen to your fans.

  12. Be yourself. Don't try to pretend you are someone else to your fans. If the truth ever comes out on how you really are as a person, you will create yourself a problem.