UT Reaches Rank 1 Social Media Category
UT Reaches Rank 1 Social Media Category

For the first time the Ministry of Research and Technology of Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) held Public Relations Award of PTN and Kopertis in 2017. An event that gives appreciation to the public relations person who is the spearhead in improving the image of the institution and give a positive value in the delivery of information to the community.
Anugerah assessment of Public Relations PTN and Kopertis has been done since mid-year 2017 by a jury appointed by Kemenristekdikti. Juries Anugerah Humas PTN and Kopertis 2017 are professionals in the field of communication and public relations both with various backgrounds such as academics, experts and practitioners who work independently in assessing the performance of public relations PTN and Kopertis.
The awarding ceremony took place in the year 2018 exactly January 16, 2018 at the University of North Sumatra. Minister of Research and Technology, Moh. Nasir handed over the Charter and plaque to the Rector of the Open University (UT) for the achievement of the first rank award at the public relations award of PTN and Kopertis for Social Media category, in Gala Dinner Rakernas Ristekdikti 2018 in USU Medan. UT is also nominated for the Website category, but has not been awarded yet. In the judging process, PTN and Kopertis are grouped into 5 groups, namely PTN BH, PTN BLU and Satker, New PTN, Polytechnic, and Kopertis.
Socialization of Participants of Scholarship Program in cooperation with POLDA Sulsel
Following the cooperation between Open University and POLRI, on January 9, 2018, Head of UPBJJ-UT Makassar visited POLDA South Sulawesi Office which is located at Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, This visit is related to socialization of scholarship program of Law Science to 20 members of police from Polres Resort Police in South Sulawesi Province. At the event Head of UPBJJ-UT Makassar welcomed by Ka. HR Bureau Kombes Yohanes Ragil HS, SIK, M. Hum accompanied by Kabagdalpers AKBP Eko Wagiyanto, SIK, SH, MH.
Riyanto is one of the best graduates of the Open University Distance Learning Program Unit (UPBJJ-UT) Jayapura, Legal Studies Program Faculty of Law of Social and Political Sciences with a GPA of 4.00 on Graduation of UT Period I of 2017 / 2018.1 at UTCC. Riyanto is working as a member of POLRI in Mimika Police, Sorong District with the position as Basat Intelkom Police Mimika since 2001.

Owner 27 Academic degree from Surabaya, yes Welin Kusuma commonly in greeting Welin. Welin is an Open University (UT) alumnus who has 6 undergraduate degrees including a degree from UT consisting of 6 courses at 3 UT Faculty.
Education at the Open University (UT) enables students to become self-reliant, self-confident and sociable people in the globalization era. The impression is attached to Yulia Anggraeni, student UPBJJ-UT Surabaya, majoring in Accounting.
Ministry of Research, Technology and High Education to the world of education, Menristekdikti give awards to outstanding students Bidikmisi in several State Universities. A total of two Open University students (UT) were selected for the award. One of them is Mela Meryani.
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There are several categories that are contested in the award, namely:
- Best Publicity
- Best Website
- The Best Social Media
Humas as a mouthpiece or source of information, demanded its ability to face challenges and changes in the era very quickly, especially facing the development of information and communication technology. Along with that social media becomes a necessity in society, and UT responds to that challenge.
The preliminary step of 2018 and an appreciation for UT personnel in creating positive values and delivering information in the community to improve the institution's image.
Congarts dude.
You are lokking good.