Alexandria's Library Team - Documental
Documenting all this creative process enlivened by me and my friends and colleagues like @ihansunrise, @lindahas, @maxiemoses-eu, @leebaong, @anomadsoul and @guyfawkes4-20 was such an amazing experience. I couldn't even think how I would've handled to create this project without all your help and guidance, my teammates are the best I could've ever had. @sndbox’s initiative was also indispensable to make this happen, I’m so grateful for it!

I remember it all too well. I knew that this would go far since the very first time I met my teammates.
It was 05/28/2018 when we all set out to know each other; it was very interesting to meet people from countries far different than mine.

That’s how I met @ihansunrise from Indonesia, @leebaong from the Philippines, @maxiemoses-eu from Nigeria and @lindahas from Latvia, they all are so different from each other and that's why I think this team is like a perfect combination of different cultures and ways of thinking, we complement each other so well and I hope that this may be just the beginning of something even bigger yet to come.

@ihansunrise proposed the idea of making a writing contest in which Steemians around the world can write about topics related to Alexandria’s Library and cool library profiles, libraries near to their cities, etc. So that way we’ll be effectively promoting the project while breaking language barriers here in Steemit, could it be better? I’m still thinking this is such an awesome idea and the easiest way to promote the project. She also set out herself to make the rules of the contest.

On the other hand, @maxiemoses-eu after reading a lot about the history behind Library of Alexandria, he found out that the library had an interactive lecture room for analyzing issues, so he proposed the idea of creating a forum for debating that can evoke what was supposed to be that lecture room here in Discord, and I really loved his idea! So now we will create six channels in discord in which the searching for knowledge, the healthy debate, the resolutions of the problems and the mutual agreement will be the main priorities.

Then @leebaong and I were deliberating if the grammar is actually that important, I stated it is very important and even much more when it comes to Literature related posts. I also took advantage of the fact we all speak different languages to propose a wonderful idea I'd had since the very beginning of this project: to promote TALP in different communities all over the world, so that way we could support posts of any language. He also proposed the idea of making a contest for creating TALP’s official logo. He also proposed tags that could help us in the curation process.

@lindahas suggested that 500 words should be a minimum when it comes to fiction and non-fiction posts (removed for poetry). She also suggested to not ignore outstanding authors with high rep and I agreed with her, Alexandria’s Library should include everyone as long as the content is outstanding enough. She also said that she can promote the project on the Whaleshares server every Mondays. Since she’s a history lover, she stated that history is actually a tricky subject and even more when we talk about the history after wars, she cited a famous quote “history is written by the victors”.

I set out to design five logos, and I talked about it in the channel. When I finished them, I dropped the five prototypes just to open a voting process in which my teammates and I decided which one of them was the better. We all loved the gray one, so it became the official one. So I wrote the guidelines and we discuss them in the channel, my teammates liked them a lot, so there wasn't much left to discuss. Then we planned how to create the official account and I quickly found out that it was actually needed to buy it if we really wanted to have it sooner than later. I bought the account with some steems I had saved and then we decided to split the fee, then we chose the name of the account and we all liked: @alexandrias-lib. Then I finally proposed the idea of promoting tags like #alexandria-america, #alexandria-europe, #alexandria-asia, #alexandria-africa and #alexandria-australia.

So that's how we made this true! I really enjoyed this wonderful experience so much!
This was all for this time... Johanna Muñoz.

Hola, veo que tienes una buena trayectoria en steemit y nos gustaría que evalúes formar parte de un proyecto que creamos para ayudar a los emprendedores como tu a crecer mas dentro de Steemit. Se llama @Cides.
Puedes ver mas información en el siguiente post:
Looks like you had a very productive 10 days or so, great looking project, I look forward to seeing how it all develops!