Sndbox Summer Camp – Project E.R.O.T.I.C.A, a NSFW curation trail...? Maybe!

in #sndboxquest6 years ago (edited)

Oh I know it, I have been so busy and I’m still being a newbie here, but it doesn’t get me afraid of saying what I really think. And yes, I know that too, this might sound to you all so fucking odd! But since I have been an avid reader of Steemit’s blockchain (yes, despite my inactivity, I have been reading this almost daily), my favorite tag has been NSFW, one of the most discriminated and underappreciated just for showing some erotic or explicit content about something that we all should consider as something natural and inherent in us, all the living beings.


The sex shouldn’t have to be something considered taboo in these modern and sophisticated societies; the sex is something that we all should be living plenty. I’m a hedonist by nature since I have memory, not even the conservative Latin America society could strip me off of that inherent impulse that lives so deep inside of me and that always urge me to satisfy my deepest desires. But those desires could be recriminated by minorities that want to keep the old manners as if they were the only right way of living and thinking. Some of them have said to me that just for being a mother and a 36 years old woman, I can't be sexy and valuable as a woman. For god sake! I’m feeling like a femme fatale right now while writing all this! Conservative people have harmed the self-esteem of so many womans in the world just for living their romantic life as they have wanted.

So here’s my first advice for both lady and gentlemen here in Steemit: don’t give a shit about society has to say about your sexual life and just live it in the way you always wanted to live it. Having already told you all about me and my vivid temperament, I have to deepen in the project I would be so happy to make true.


Yes, I already know that there’s an amazing Madonna’s album titled just like my project is titled too, but I honestly love both the name and the album itself, so that’s what inspired my project. That avant-garde album that was released in the early 90s when I was just a teenager, but that disc really changed my life and made me realized that sex isn’t a wrong thing like the church and so many organizations had told me back then.

I'm still remembering all its amazing artwork, it was such an avant-garde masterpiece back in the early 90s!

And I have to say it! It’s such a pity that I have almost three months here and I haven’t been able to see one fucking community that actually curates and follows NSFW topics. Just like society does with us in the real world, in Steemit it happens too, the NSFW threads are often considered as bad and scandalous content and some people may see them as if they were trash. This is something I would want to completely change! I know that there are so many shits being created in NSFW made by users who want desperately to get some high votes (we all know how they're supposed to be called), but I know and I have read so many wonderful erotic stories here in Steemit, so why @sndbox couldn’t curate them and reward them? I know that they can do it, but they only need a project and a community like the one I’m currently proposing.

My main goal with Erotica’s curation trail is to reward the most prominent erotic stories and NSFW posts that may use a tag proposed by @sndbox’s team. I don’t know if users like @anomadsoul or @guyfawkes4-20 would help me in this, but I cordially invite them to join me in this mission I’d be completing so carefully and with so much rejoice!

Oh, and if my few followers have already forgotten my face, this is me! Gaudis Herrera! ;)

Madonna's Erotica Image Source