Sndbox Summer Camp Writing - Task 2

in #sndboxquest6 years ago

This is a very beautiful story, of a very humble family, but that perseverance and union helped them to get ahead, this shows us that if we are together, everything can be done.

Since I was very young, Camila lived a very hard life, I worked and studied since I was a little girl. Since I was the oldest of 6 siblings, I had to help her mother with the house expenses because her father abandoned them, one day she left the house and I do not return, his mother when he saw that he did not come looking for him in the hospitals and in the police, he was very worried about his disappearance he could not sleep, soon after they realized that the man had another family and had left them to go with They, this was a very hard blow for the family which left them marked forever.


Cami as they were told by his brothers was an 8-year-old girl, who had to put aside his toys and his childhood to help his mother with chores and household expenses, in the morning he went very early to school with his brothers, while his mother María stayed at the house making empanadas which when she returned from school she had to go out and sell, at the beginning it was very hard for everyone because her mother did not work and the only one who maintained the house was Juan her father and this one when leaving more never helped them and forgot about them, that's why her mother tried to get ahead by herself.

As the year passed, the girl grew up and graduated from the university with good grades. She decided to go to the city looking for a job to solve the situation her family was going through, the first job she got was in a cafeteria where she I worked as an innkeeper, it was not what she was looking for, but that was going to help her to cover the expenses I had while I got another job, she was very enthusiastic, she always had a smile on her face and she communicated joy, she was very kind and that caught the attention of one of the clients who always came to breakfast in the place, one of them was Mr. Luis Bambochober. He was the owner of a well-known company, which was responsible for the production of a food chain and was in looking for people with those characteristics, one day he arrived and asked him for the usual and observed how he treated the clients and asked him if he was interested in working with him, since he and she liked the way she was and the way she treated people, she was surprised she could not believe it, who was going to think that this job would give her what she was looking for, her answer was yes, she was very interested in knowing what was his proposal, the great man to start presented himself as the owner of the important factory and told him that he was looking for people who had that kind of talent, gave him his card and told him to come to his office in the afternoon to talk a little more about the details.


Immediately the girl called her mother to give her the great news, telling her that God had heard her pleadings and that the bad thing was about to end, the agreed time for the interview arrives and she asks to speak with Mr. Luis to the secretary. announces and makes it happen immediately, the man proposed that he was going to pay $ 3,000 to begin a car would be given and they would pay the rent for his apartment, that the position would be that of head of the department of human resources, and that they were presenting problems and complaints in that area, and for him a disgruntled worker was not doing his job well, I ask him: What do you think of the offer? To which she replied very happy that she was receiving more than she opened imagined she got up from the chair and gave her hand with tearful eyes, thanked him and told him that he would not disappoint.

The next day he arrived very early in the cafeteria and to ask for the resignation and to thank all the people who gave them the opportunity of a decent job, he said goodbye to his colleagues and clients and left.

The first day of work was training they showed him what the team was and how they worked in the area, his colleagues had received it very well and everything was going great.

After a year the problems had disappeared in the department, there were no longer disgruntled workers and everything worked as it should. My family had improved economically, I could pay my brothers a good university, they lived in a very nice house and my mother's face only radiated happiness, at last the worry was gone, peace and tranquility was what reigned in my home, I never stopped going to the cafeteria always had breakfast there, I felt that my roots were in that place and that made me remember where I came from and that way I would never change my way of thinking and my humility.


One day the head of maintenance tells me that there is a vacancy in the department and that he needs a person to fill that position, that he will send someone who meets the profile for me to do the interview and the procedure for his report .

Upon arrival the person is notified and she tells one of her collaborators to do the rigor tests and when everything is ready she passes the report to sign her entry, the next day she gets a folder with her information required of the subject and calls the person who attended him to give his opinion before signing, this tells him that he is a very humble man, that above you see that he is going through a need, but that meets the required profile for the maintenance department, which had 4 small children and that had given her a lot of sadness because he practically begged her to give him the job, Camila, moved by what she had heard, remembered that moment in which her father had left leaving them with nothing and the hard times that she spent with her family, that made her very sad and she asked to meet the man, she told him that if he was still outside, they would let him in and that's how it was.

She was waiting anxiously sitting in the chair next to her desk, she felt a very strange flutter, she did not know if it was because of the situation that this man was going through or because it made her remember what had happened when she opened the door of her office He saw a very thin man enter, with his clothes a bit torn and translucent from use, his shoes were old and reminded them of those worn by someone he knew, when he raised his eyes his heart sped up he could not believe he was in front of his father, his tears sprang from his eyes and the feeling of not knowing what to do invaded his body, he had many mixed feelings, he did not know how to act before the person who had truncated his childhood, it was as if fate had been insane with him and I was collecting a debt, who was going to think that I had my father's future in my hands, when he saw me he immediately recognized me and his tears were felt, under his face and he told me daughter, forgive me, I did not know what I was doing at the time, let me get carried away by the immaturity and love that I have for Ana, I know I did wrong and maybe it was not the best way to go, but just think about telling your mother that I was I was in love with another woman, I did not want to hurt her, because she did not deserve what I was doing to her, I am very sorry to have abandoned them and not watch over her welfare, she sees the turns that life gives me now who begs, I really would understand if you did not give me the job and I know I deserve it, but think of your little brothers, your more than anyone knows what it is to have nothing, do not be like me ...


She with her tearful eyes told him I'll never be like you, and I want you to know that I do not do it for you if not for them, I do not hold a grudge because I see that God charged you everything you did to us, of course do not expect that you call father because that name is too big for you, I take the pen and sign the document, he just told him I am very proud of the great woman that you became without the help of a father, he turned around and left his office saying thanks daughter.

Camila did not want to tell her mother what had happened, since she did not want her to worry about her father, she thought that he did not deserve a tear over her, he started working in the company and she did as if I knew him, he was one of the employees.

She lived in a large apartment, in a good area of the city, had a life full of routine was getting up every day very early, to the coffee loaded with little sugar and some toasted bread with jam, while she dressed she was having breakfast so that It was not late, at 6:30 a.m. he left his apartment to work and one day when he was on the way, he received a phone call which he attended and in an oversight he was hit by a motorized vehicle and he was dodging it crashing into another vehicle making her lose control of the car and causing her vehicle to overturn and spin around on the pavement, this terrible accident happened a few meters away from the company, quickly the word spread among the workers and it reached her father's ears. To find out what happened, he left everything he was doing and ran to the scene of the events, where the firemen had barely arrived and were trying to remove the door of the car with a Sierra, since the girl was seriously wounded and unconscious, desperate for not being able to pass, said that he was her father so they would let her come and help her, co-workers quickly notified their relatives, they soon managed to get her out and sent her in an ambulance to the nearest hospital because he was the only relative he went with her in the ambulance, on the way he was holding her hand and telling her to hold that she was too young to die, he asked God if he he had to take someone who would take him to him, let him compensate a little bit for all the damage he had done to his children, when he arrived at the hospital the doctors immediately admitted him to the operating room, since he had several fractures , a polyraumatism encephalon spinal and had lost a lot of blood.

The hospital was gradually filled with people, the girl was very well known and loved by all who knew her, her relatives were also present very dismayed by the horrible tragedy, her father stayed awaiting news the hard operation around 6 hours, which were eternal for all those who waited, soon after the doctor came out and asked to speak with the patient's relatives, the mother and the brothers approached the doctor gives them the news that the girl was very complicated, that the operation had been very risky and that everything was in the hands of God, that it was vitally important that they get a donor with the same type of blood that she had, since her blood type was very difficult to obtain was from the group ERH + and there was no donor that was compatible with her, her mother broke down in tears since that was the same blood group of her father, when he heard the lament of Mary he presented himself to her and when he saw him he embraced him. joy asked him to please help his daughter and he replied that this was not a favor that he had to do that was his duty, the doctor made him go at once and ordered the nurses to prepare him for the transfusion, this made the girl improve quickly and that her recovery was more satisfactory, she managed to wake up from the coma and after several days, she was evolving faster and faster, she was already in a room and she was allowed visits by her mother and the co-workers told her everything that her father had done for her and she asked that they make it happen so that she could talk with him, when they saw each other they began to cry and she opened her arms so that he would hug her and He said thank you, dad.


Families are united by blood ties that can never be broken for any reason or reason.