I understand that feeling and I have felt it, but even so i miss reading your adventures.
Also I can't post anything i haven't enjoyed and I post it to share with the people and i treasure most those comments that came from the soul, those that reflect that the reader cares. They can be private or public but they are definitely better than any $$$ reward.
Somehow i feel that recently steemit has returned to that melancholic blue it used to have. Don't know why...
Wish you a safe journey compadre!!
Lol ya sé, a veces quiero escribir de aventuras pero como que se presta mas para posts de este tipo, aunque creo que debo regresar a las raíces pronto!
Exacto, si un comentario se ve que esta dedicado al tema de la persona y se ve que leyó y le interesó, siempre es bueno votarlo y responder!
Saludos compadre!