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RE: The Red Power Smoothie – A multi-talent.

in #smoothie9 years ago

The Red Power Smoothie – A multi-talent.


I have only tried juicing / smoothies once or twice in my life. These were smoothies that were offered to me by various people. The individuals that offered me smoothies were in fact undergoing various health problems. One person had a goiter and the other person suffered from heart problems. The use of smoothies was a part of their daily health routines.

I must admit I never acquired a taste for the various smoothies that I consumed but I also never saw any harm in drinking the whole smoothies. Granted, only one smoothie during the course of any six month period would allow at best the weakest of anecdotal evidence. Now I have learned that quite often, more times than not, an ounce of prevention is really worth a pound of cure. I look at my health and the health of my loved ones and sometimes wonder if there is something that would help them other than standard medical protocols that don't involve drugs or surgery or needles.

Quite often our health is affected by common toxins in our bodies which are stored over time. These toxins can disrupt vital chemical processes in our bodies. I suffer from a condition called sarcoidosis which is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects my lungs and my eyes. In fact I am scheduled to inject myself twice a month with a drug called humira. I do not like injecting myself so possibly there is something else that i can use to reduce or completely eliminate the need for this medication. Also I have learned that 99 percent of "medicine" is in one form or another simply poison that over the long term is not good for you.

Well without taking up too much of your time I do want to thank you for this article as I feel it is a step in the right direction for so many people. Your article reminds me that there is so much I don't know. And life has taught me that half of wisdom is knowing what I don't know. Please add more similar articles. Thanks, just my thoughts, Ron.


Wow, thank you so much @getonthebus! Appreciate the time you took for your comment! Academic medicine is general is a harm to the body. They try to keep you sick to be able to sell their products. It's just a business. There's so much you can do for yourself it's incredible. And there are alternatives as well if you get sick. I avoid medicine wherever possible, I'm strictly use homeopathic remedies. Cheers!