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RE: The Red Power Smoothie – A multi-talent.

in #smoothie9 years ago (edited)

I will always upvote a post like this. Anyone spreading the benefits of consuming juices like this, gets love in my books. Nice work, keep it up. Also, adding beetroots to my juices is one of my favourite things. I just love the colour that it produces. I mean just look at it will you!? Beautiful. ;-)

I am a fellow raw juicer, and i truly believe in the immense power of these super foods. Dan the Man the Life Regenerator on youtube is my favourite raw foodist, and he changed my life. I just asked him to join us at #steemit. I hope he does. We could use someone like him here.

p.s Beetroot is one of the best things a man can have, to prevent prostate cancer, one of the most common forms of cancer for men. A cancer that has affected my father. In fact, my sisters husband, was diagnosed with cancer just last Tuesday. He is the father of my 10 year old niece, and his operation is today. Please send calm, and love.


The color is amazing, you're right. It gets a stronger color when you use almond milk instead of water, that's why I like it :) All the best for your niece, LOVE! and thanx for your comment!