I want to quit Smoking !

in #smoking8 years ago

Hello, dear friends !
I smoke cigarettes for 25 years is a very long time !!! I know this is a very bad habit , and I want to quit Smoking ! Got in a pack of two cigarettes , and I think more not to buy them . But I don't know if I will be able to withstand and not to go to the store for a new pack of cigarettes ???!!! I have already started "breaking" because I think " damn , I only have two cigarettes ! ". Yes , this is breaking because cigarettes are a drug too ! Don't know if I can handle this , but I'll try . I want to keep my health and the health of my loved ones !

Friends ! If you are faced with this problem , write how you coped with it ? I would be very grateful !

Photos taken with the Samsung galaxy GRAND Duos



i quit smoking many years ago, i was lucky not to need any patch or anything, just quit cold turkey.. just got sick of it.. every time I would inhale I would imagine myself drying/smoking out my lungs and it made the experience much less enjoyable for me that eventually I just didn't want to do it anymore. You need to train yourself/your mind to not be attracted to the item/to think differently about it, train yourself to be disgusted by it, at least that's what I tried to do!

gl with it man!

Thank you ! Very good advice , I'm trying to convince myself that Smoking is bad , I hope that this will help me !

I had a bad bicycle accident last year. When the radiologist was finished talking about the broken shoulder and broken ribs, he asked me "when did you smoke?" I told him I had stopped in 1977 (so nearly 40 years ago). He says "I can still see the scarring in your lungs". I smoked for 7 years at 40 a day and I have been stopped that long.

Now the important thing to know is there are two addictions. Your body will get over the physical addiction fast (7 to 15 days) and will eliminate the bad chemicals. The emotional addiction is the hard part

I spent quite some time year supporting a Stop Smoking group on Facebook run by Nancy Porano. Join this group and read the stories and read the advice and draw encouragement.

Here is what I used to write. I call it the 6 D's to quit smoking. Follow them one by one

  1. D - Desire - you have to have a strong reason to quit.
  2. D - Deliberate - a fancy word for think. Once you have the desire put together a solid plan to quit (the support group will help with a plan - nicotine replacement, snacks, exercise, change of habits, avoid the store, etc)
  3. D - Decide - once you have the plan in place make the decision and choose a day.
  4. D - Do - choose your day and Do it.
  5. D - Double - when you get to end of day 1, commit to get to the end of day 2, at the end of day 2, double it to day 4.
  6. D - Dream - once you have gone through a few Doublings you an now afford to Dream of a better life, of more time with you children and grandchildren, of a house free of the smell of smoke, of a holiday with the cash you have saved.

Good luck and here is the link to the dreaded Facebook place. This group will save your life - if you let them.


Thank you very much ! I join this group ! :)

i have heard that even though some people might quit smoking for decades... that craving never really goes away... lol!

Yes , I've heard about it . The body gets used to nicotine and needs it after .

be brave and throw them in the garbage so you wont have that problem of last two cigarettes. when you get nervous and want to smoke one, just bite some spices or drink glass of water and make yourself busy. Crisis will be breaking you just for 4 days. After that you will feel bliss and serene. Everything will seem different then ever before. Best of luck! You can do it!

more inspiration :) I seen those lungs difference in real. after some time your lungs will cleanse :))

Thank you ! I smoked them ! Now fighting myself ! :)

I quit smoking 57 days ago. I found having a goal helps keep one motivated to not pick up the next pack of cigarettes. There's an Android app Quit Smoking that helps me keep "score" of my progress. It has a health chart with a progress meter, you can set a goal for money savings, and keep a diary within the app.

I set myself a goal of buying my two sons a 700€ game computer and I've already saved 155.55€, there's 200 more days to go. I'm pretty confident I can make it.

Good luck quitting!

Thank you so much for the advice , I will definitely take your advice !

)) особенно минск пачка это жесть) image

Да уж !!! :)

Switch to cigars....
...but don't inhale.

Thank you !