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RE: SML Feedback Contest Round 4 | A DSound Community Initiative

in #smlchallenge7 years ago

Damn thanks for the shoutout! :D Feedback is important and it's important to do it well :)

I'll be entering once again this week, this time with this song:

Hope to see some good feedback


Well said, and thanks for taking part in the contest, much appreciated! :-D

For some reason, this reminds me of LL Cool J "I need love"! Had to wait until the 1st drop to understand where you were going but i do like. While listening in finding flows to ride the beat. An emcee can approach this in many ways, though i feel if any vocals are laid on this they such be uplifting in nature. I suggest adding 808's drums to really solidify that knock on the verses. Overall this is a smooth tune hella chill. Salute

I am enjoying the emotion very much. it has an old school 80's LL. Cool J vibe to it that is very romantic. The fucking bass is magic. I almost want you to sample LL saying "I need love" and blend it right in!
I am enjoying the mix. i feel like there is a good range of levels the different sounds are popping at. It all works, but i think maybe there is still room to push some of these sounds with some more processing, i think you could get this track to sound like it is coming from a world i have never heard before. Maybe fuss with the drums a bit. maybe switching some of the drum sounds. i like them, i just wonder what would this tune sound like with a more rare and strange drum kit? i think you have a real good emotional tune going here! i truly do! that is why i wanna push you to take this to the beyond. i know i sometimes myself get into zones where i wanna finish a bunch of tracks and fast. and sometimes real magic can come from that. but sometimes when i listen to classical music on the am radio and the dj stars telling stories about composures who work on one piece of music for 10 years of their lives, i t makes me wanna put more time in on a tune. Super good tune! So LL i love it! I hope my thoughts help spin the brain! thanks for sharing!

This is nice work; very smooth and positive vibes, even with the melancholy feel. I like the way you start off with a single note and then build and layer everything from there. Good use of complimentary melodies, tones and textures... A finely balanced piece. I do find myself wondering to where those melodies could explore, if you were to try risking a key change or two... Of course sometimes doing that can cause a loss of focus that can only be regained by resorting to cliches - so maybe your judgement was correct in this case.
I can imagine listening to this while driving at dusk, similar to the image shown. All told it sounds like you accomplished exactly what you set out to do.